Saturday, February 20, 2016

Too sensitive to sound aspergers

I have no problem listening to music on my headphones but loud surrounding sounds shock me and seriously get me on my nerves. That is one of the reasons i don't like pubs and parties very much. I am always telling mum to turn down the TV and telling my brothers to shut up when they muck around or start arguing and I can not think or even speak properly. In class I would sometimes need to leave the classroom and work somewhere quiet otherwise i would end up panicking and when i leave the room i normally hear chuckles from the other damn students as they think i'm strange or just trying to get attention. When i work somewhere quiet, sometimes the slightest noises from the air-conditioner or refrigerator would irritate me when trying to concentrate on work. The only way i solve the irritation is putting on my headphones and getting lost in the music. but you know, that can even distract you from work depending on what music it is. Anyone here have the same problem?

Submitted February 21, 2016 at 07:01AM by WhatGenderAmEye aspergers

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