Friday, February 5, 2016

TIFU by not checking the contents of the candy bowl. [NSFW] tifu

Long irrelevant backstory, but pretty often I wake up during the night with stomach cramps. Sometimes if I eat candy, the sugar calms things before I wind up sicker, so I keep a bowl of them on my dresser right next to the bed. This morning about 6:30, I woke up with horrible cramps, so I was eating them one at a time, like usual.

All of a sudden, I bite down on one, and my mouth absolutely FILLS with the most disgusting liquid I have ever tasted. In hindsight, it must have triggered emergency saliva flow or something. It was so bad, that I reflexively turned my head and spit it out. It was dark red almost brown, so now my sheet looks like someone slit my throat. Panic. Did I completely pull out a tooth? Where am I bleeding from? It tasted so disgusting and the color was so scary, that I didn't even think for a few minutes that it might be something inside whatever I just bit. I ran to the bathroom and immediately started rinsing and gargling with cold water. It took something like eight mouthfuls before the water ran clear. This whole time, I am doing everything I can not to vomit.

When it finally runs clear, I try everything I can think of to get the taste out of my mouth. I brushed my teeth and toothpaste only made it worse. Now it tastes horrible and burns. I ate a few more of the candies. Now my whole mouth tastes disgusting because I have eaten chocolate candy on top of toothpaste, but the original offending corner is still 10 times worse. I run to the kitchen pulling open the refrigerator, and start pulling out and eating a bite of anything that looks like it might work. Nothing does.

Just as I am contemplating chewing up a mouth full of fresh onion, my husband suggested milk. I don't hate milk, but it isn't my favorite thing, so I never thought of it. Thank God it kind of worked. Due to all of the panic and running around, though, I had excruciating stomach cramps for a few hours.

The culprit? I have no idea how this happened, but when I dumped the bowl of candy to investigate, it contained 5 pills... The exact 5 pills of my nighttime dosage of medications. I had bitten down on one of the capsules, which I had no idea was filled with this vile liquid. Now I'm having trouble swallowing a pill for the first time in my life.

TL;DR Accidentally bit on a capsule filled with liquid and it was the most disgusting taste I have ever had in my mouth.

Submitted February 06, 2016 at 04:23AM by ChrisW828 tifu

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