Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Asylum Paranormal

Ahoy Redditors. This is my first post, so please let me know if it belongs in another subreddit, seems to me like it belongs here though.

A bit of background on this: I live in Ontario, Canada, in an area just on the outskirts of the city. A few blocks away from my house is a college and a large park, both of which were once an insane asylum, from around the mid-1800s (I believe) to the 1970s. Naturally, this place has become somewhat of a local legend, because of the belief that it is haunted. There are tales about people walking into the lake nearby to commit suicide, as well as people hanging themselves in the orchards. They also performed lobotomies at the hospital, and it is widely believe that there are bodies of lonely and forgotten patients nearby. I was talking to my boyfriend yesterday about all of the stories I've heard, and some of the experiences I've had, and began to wonder why I haven't shared any of these on reddit yet, so here I am. I'm willing to supply links if anyone wants to look in to this area a little more. I'm going to break these stories down by number, for clarity.

1) The most recent event to happen to me personally was about a year ago. I was hanging out at my aunts house (she lives on my block) and, seeing as it was a pretty nice afternoon, we decided to go for a walk to the lake with her daughter who was about 6/7 years old at the time. So we go for our walk, which was pretty uneventful, but nice, and we realize its starting to get dark so we figured we should start heading home. My little cousin, being a kid, wanted to stay and wasn't taking "it's late and we need to go home now" as an excuse to leave, so my aunt says to her "You don't want to be out here at night anyway... It gets really creepy". So, of course, my cousin begins to ask questions (as well as being young and inquisitive, she also has ADHD. If you're aware of the disorder, you'll know that kids with it could literally ask you the same question a hundred times in hundred different ways. Especially if they're not satisfied with the answer. So suffice it to say she was being persistent and we, wanting to have a relatively quiet walk home, saw no reason to lie to her). Cousin: "Is it haunted here?" Aunt: "Yes, it is." C: "No it's not. There's no such thing as ghosts!" Me: "I've seen some crazy stuff here over the years, kid. It's definitely haunted" C: There's no such things as ghosts!" A: "Stop saying that, before they prove they do exist!" C: "But there's no such thing as ghosts, right mom?"

And I shit you not, as soon as those words came out of her mouth the air got COLD. Keep in mind it was a warm evening out... It felt like we walked into a refrigerator. Then suddenly I heard a weird moaning noise, almost like someone could hear our conversation and was making "ghost noises" to scare us. Except no one was around. There were people further ahead, quite a ways away, and the noise sounded like it was right next to my ear, on the left hand side. My aunt turned and looked at me, eyes as wide as saucers. "DID YOU HEAR THAT?! DID YOU FEEL THAT COLD?! It sounded like someone was moaning in my ear!"

Yes auntie. Yes. I. Did.

2) When I was a teenager I spent a lot of time in the park by the college. We would have bonfires by the lake, or get drunk under the gazebo just off of the path, just general, regular, stupid teenage shit. One night I was at the park after dark with 4 or 5 friends. We were sitting in a circle, smoking a joint in the orchard and chillin. I specifically recall that when this event happened, no one had been smoking for at least 10mins. There were no lit smokes or joints around, and we were alone as far as the eye could see. All of a sudden a bright red ember looking thing zips through the circle and off into the darkness. We all saw it, yet none of us have a logical explanation for it.

3) In the park is a place known as the powerhouse. Its some kind of community building now I believe, but it was part of the asylum back in the day, and rumor has it, they cremated bodies there (it has a huge smokestack style chimney, which I am sure has inspired many scary stories). Anyway, around halloween, they used to set up a bunch of haunted houses to raise money for charity. You know the kind - they hire high school and college kids and scare the crap out of you dressed in Leatherface masks with chainsaws and stuff like that, but no one was ever allowed to touch you. There were 3 or 4 haunted houses set up each year, and I used to go annually with my good friend Mark. The second year we went, there was a haunted house that through part of the powerhouse. They let you in with the people you came with, and then left a gap so that when the next people went in you'd be far enough away that you couldn't ruin any of the surprises up ahead. Mark and I went in together, and I'm not gonna lie, just stepping foot in the building gave me chills, but I didn't think much of it because I was at a haunted house... If I was feeling creeped out it meant they were doing a good job. So we get to this part of the house where you're surrounded by big foam (I'm assuimg) pillars, in pitch black. Mark went ahead of me, holding my hand, and I trailed behind and tried not to die. All of a sudden Mark screams and tries to run, but can't because hes holding my hand, and trying to run around a pillar, but bending my arm in the wrong direction at the same time. So I not so gracefully told yelled at him to stop what the fuck he was doing and asked him why he was freaking out. "Something grabbed me!" And normally this wouldn't creep me out but the only person behind him was me, and because the walls were so narrow there was no way someone could have grabbed him from the side.

I feel like this is getting pretty long, but I have many more stories that I'll share another time.

Submitted February 22, 2016 at 04:14AM by mangyo Paranormal

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