Sunday, February 21, 2016

Just Another Day nosleep

Don’t you just love the sunrise? The way the warmth of the sun wraps around your body, filling it with an indescribable joy. The pure shock and amazement that comes from watching the beautiful sun rise above the horizon. To me, the sun signifies hope, life, and something that provides a release from the sometimes grim, monotonous tone of my daily life. Every morning, right before dawn, I get up, throw some clothes on, and head out for a morning jog. I’m always alone on my runs, as my wife is typically quite the sleeper. She isn’t the most active person, but I don’t mind being alone. The silence can be quite relaxing, and it provides an isolation from the rest of my life. I’ve gotten quite good at timing my runs so they end right as the sun breaks through the horizon, and signals the start of a new day. I usually take a moment to take in all its glory before heading back inside. I head upstairs, grab a quick shower, and throw a suit for work. Usually my wife is still sleeping, as she doesn’t have to go to work until awhile after me. But I give her a kiss on the check, and run downstairs to get a bite to eat. On my way down I have to pass by the empty bedroom, a room that always saddens me. It was meant to be a nursery, the room that would complete our family. Though I knew that was an impossible task. We tried and tried, but we knew that it was medically impossible. No doctor could fix this, but it was okay. As much as I want to have a child, I love my wife too much for that to get the best of me. But enough of that, let’s get on to the best part of the morning: breakfast. There’s nothing like the taste of a warm drink and the smell of sausage sizzling on the stove in the morning. I’ve always considered myself a great cook and I love to indulge in the finest of foods. My refrigerator is stocked with delicacies many have never even heard of, or even thought to try. Food is just one more thing that can cheer me up before work. And work sucks. Like big time sucks. Sunup to sundown I’m forced to sit a desk, answer calls, try not to fall asleep in conferences, and type random numbers into a computer. And then I have to act like I like my boss, when really he’s just Satan’s fat stepson. I guess it pays the bills though, right? Now most days I would slave on till 5 pm, where I run to my car, head home, and chill for the rest of the night. Though today is a special day. My wife’s sister, Stacy, is coming in town, and I am preparing a big meal tonight. My wife and sister haven’t had the closest relationship, so I thought it was a great idea to have her dinner. So I sped home, ran into the kitchen and started to prepare. It was about 7 when Stacy arrived, and I was just about ready for dinner. As I mentioned earlier, my preferences can be exotic to some, and Stacy definitely seemed concerned at first. Though as the night went on, she really warmed up. Conversation wasn’t bubbling, but my wife isn’t a huge talker. I thought it was a great night though, with a great meal to top it off. After cleaning up for dinner, I read some of a book by my favorite author, Thomas Harris (his books seem very relatable to me), and headed up for bed. I cleaned up, put on some comfortable clothing, and hopped in bed. My wife was already in bed, and I laid next to her, holding her hand in mine. Her hand was ice cold, but that happens when you’re dead. I leaned over her, stroking what was left of her hair, and I smelled her. Delicious, just like her sister. “I might just have to have you for breakfast my dear,” I whispered to her before rolling over and falling into a peaceful sleep.

Submitted February 22, 2016 at 07:08AM by SirShark64 nosleep

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