Saturday, February 20, 2016

"I'll have to bring you some!" TalesFromRetail

I'm back with more stories from the feed store!

We have numerous regulars to the store, both pleasant and unpleasant. One of the particularly pleasant ones is a very small woman that raises hogs. About twice a month, 30 minutes before close, she'll come in and buy 100 pounds of hog feed (about 45.5 kg for my metric friends). Because she's about 100 pounds herself, I help her get it all loaded up. One night a few weeks ago she came in and bought another 100 pounds of feed, and as we were walking out, we had this conversation:

Her: I'll be so happy when I finally get this big boy butchered. He's gonna make a lot of sausage!

Me: There isn't much in this world that's better than homemade sausage.

Her: I'll have to bring some for y'all!

Me: Oh that's not necessary. You keep it, and let me know how it is!

And that was it. I loaded her feed and haven't seen her since. Until I came in to work this morning. One of the managers told me there was something in the break room refrigerator for me. Sure enough, there was a pound of homemade sausage with my name on it.

A lot of the time, this job makes me lose all faith in humanity. It's times like this that gives me hope.

Submitted February 21, 2016 at 04:50AM by DerangedBeaver TalesFromRetail

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