Monday, February 1, 2016

I regret doing this raisedbynarcissists

Update to this.

My Nstepsister's wedding is now TWO weeks away. TWO weeks. I sent her the finished product almost two weeks ago, but she never responds to her emails, so I email her asking if she received the logo. She ignores the fact that I've attached the logo in the previous email (technological incompetence? Doing it to anger me? It honestly could be either) and asks me to send it again. I send it again. She has been asking me to swap two letters, which I've suggested looks really bad, showed her in five different examples how it looks scrambled and overall bad design, she accepts, asks me to send the original logo again. I send it. Now there's another problem. Now one letter looks too thick. Don't know why she didn't see this the other four times I sent it. I fix it. I send it again. Now she says "still waiting for you to send an option with the letters swapped" which I ALREADY DID AND SAID LOOKED BAD. If it doesn't work, I can't make it work. The fonts she picked do not allow for that design to work, and I even tried multiple iterations to prove this to her. She has two weeks until her wedding. I don't know if she's going to follow through with paying me.

I don't even give a shit if she thinks I'm an incompetent designer because of this and gives me scathing reviews to people. I don't give a shit. I'm throwing my hands up to this whole thing. I agreed to do this to be nice because I refused to go to the wedding.

UPDATE: Was updating my Pinterest boards for a class, which is how I keep track of my reference material. Nstepsister FOUND my PRIVATIZED Pinterest boards and followed them. The worst part is they're not even cutesy boards I could justify her following. They're all just reference photos of refrigerators at different angles.

Submitted February 01, 2016 at 10:04AM by throwaway41091915 raisedbynarcissists

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