Friday, February 5, 2016

I might have ADHD/ADD but i am scared to ask. ADHD

Ok, so i was inside of my class for highschool a couple weeks ago and we started to learn about ADHD. We have watch a few documentary on OCD or dyslexia but when we reached an ADHD documentary i realized how many of the symptoms i have. I tend to day dream during a lecture or school or when i am being talked to directly i cant help but think of random things and then i missed the entire lecture or story. I cant tell you how many times i have started a conversation and then realized five minutes later that my friend was still talking to me or asked me a question and i just look blankly at her and say what? I tend to figet a lot and cant stop moving my hands or feet, like if i am wearing jewelry or something, forget sitting still the jewelry is awesome. I use to write this off as a dancer thing but im not too sure anymore. I am also distracted by random small thing and interupt myself or my friends by pointing it out. Like one time i was in a serious conversation with my friend and i saw a bunny and i could help bit go "BUNNY! Did you see the bunny?!? Oh sorry." Sometimes, i cant help but over hear a conversation and then just randomly butt in with my conversation. I also lose so many things and end up finding them in random places. (Most likely either my pocket or the refrigerator). I hold off on homework for such a long time unless my friend who does homework a week in advance forces me too. I would probably have much lower grades than the A's and B's i have now because i never really finish my homework or start it at all. I tend to start my homework than get distracted with the TV or my dog or the rain or just doze off. I love to read but when i get to a boring part in a book i can reread a section 4 or 5 times until i realize i was day dreaming or i just completely skip over it. Tests bore me to death and i end up skimming questions or reading a question multiple times before i actually read it. I'm sure i have made small easy mistakes because of that. I haven't asked my parents whether or not ADHD has been in the family and i dont remember if i was this way when i was in elementary school. I tend to be very sleepy in the morning and i have 6 alrams set to wake up. It is hard for me to fall asleep at night when i dont have my dance classes every week. I am extremely disorganized. When i am standing i cant seem to stop dancing. I tend to be very emotional or sensitive, and i over react to a lot of things. If i am really focused someone can talk to me for awhile before i even realize they were there. The only reason why i am still doubting it is because i can relax after school and dance. (I have 15 hours a week). Also i dont have a tendency to get up at random times or finish questions before they are asked. Im sorry i started to ramble and sorry about the grammar! I dont want to think i have ADHD and then not have it. Should i ask my parents? Please help.

Submitted February 05, 2016 at 11:41PM by kitten0981 ADHD

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