Thursday, February 4, 2016

[Help]Should I let my dog cower in is favorite corner? dogs

re-post from /r/DogTraining

I adopted a cowardly street mongrel from a shelter 2 days ago, he seems healthy and sound other than the fact that he's afraid of everything ever: the passing cars outside, the wind, and me.

Even if I sit a distance away where he can see me, he's never actually approached me himself before, so I have no idea how to begin any sort of training whatsoever.

I understand it will take time for him to adapt, but he seemed to have found a tight cozy spot which is behind our refrigerator, which is also hard to reach for us, and every time he ends up there I'm unable to lure him out.

Food and treats only work within close proximity to him (like under 2 feet). If I offer it to him on my hand or leave it on the floor, he comes out, takes it, brings it back in, and then only chews on it, and in very slow and cautious movements.

I once tried leaving a food trail on the floor all the way to his food bowl but he got frightened by a noise while following it halfway and he went back into his corner.

So my question is, should I continue to let him have his peace and quiet there or should I block it off and let him learn to use his crate as his hideout? Or should I move my furniture around and move his crate over to the spot instead?

Submitted February 05, 2016 at 12:34PM by whoispyxis dogs

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