Thursday, February 4, 2016

[F4A] Things don't always go according to plan dirtypenpals

You hold in your hands a tiny vile with a clear liquid. It took months of saving up money to buy it, but if it works it will have been worth every penny.

You've been dating your girlfriend Lilly since junior year. You're both seniors now and things are great except for... well, the sex. She has it with you but she's completely unwilling to experiment with you. Or do anything more adventurous and the missionary position really. You don't want to break up with her over it, but at the same time it's driving you nuts.

A solution presented itself a few months ago; you'd been in that new agey "magic shop" with her, rolling your eyes as usual. But you happened to overhear the owner talking to another customer.

"This will solve your problems," I hear the owner say.

"What's it do?"

"It will make whoever drinks it willing to do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?"

"She'll love you, she'll serve you, she'll obey you... it is very powerful."

The conversation certainly caught your attention, but you wrote it off as insane. There's no way it could be real... could it?

A week later you were walking to town and happened to spot the customer from the store, walking next to the hottest redhead you ever saw in one of the skimpiest outfits. Curiosity gets you, and you approach him to ask if it worked.

"What do you think?" he replies, winking at the woman next to him. "A week ago she'd never get caught dead in an outfit like this. Now I won't let her wear anything that doesn't show off her body. Isn't that right dear?"

"Yes Master," she says with a smile.

That settled it for you. This was your answer. You worked your ass off to acquire it, and now the day is finally here.

You make a glass of Iced Tea (Lilly's favorite drink) and uncork the vile. The liquid dissolves immediately, leaving no sign of what it contains. Good thing too, as the doorbell chimes just as you finish. Lilly is here.

You put the glass in the refrigerator and go to greet her. You just have to bring her to the kitchen, offer it to her, get her to drink it, and then decide what sex position you want to try first. Months of saving and planning and wishing are about to come to fruition.

You go to the front door and make a little bit of small talk before offering her a drink. She accepts, and you both walk through the house to the kitchen.

...just in time to see me, your little sister, gulp down the last of the iced tea you made. I smile when I see you both.

"Hey guys what's up?" I ask cheerfully.

Submitted February 05, 2016 at 04:03AM by OhEmGeeItsMeee dirtypenpals

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