Friday, February 19, 2016

CA - Grandmother passed, family already fighting on Day 1 legaladvice

We are already seeking legal help but I'm just trying to get as many answers as I can as to what can and can not be in a situation like this.

A little background: My wife(R) has lived with her grandmother(P) for her entire life of 27 years. I(K) have lived with both of them for 7 years. R has acted as caregiver to both her grandparents this whole time. About 5 years ago, R's grandfather passed away and P started to not pay bills and was mismanaging her finances, so R took over her finances with P's consent. Everything has been fine, never any danger of being broke, always paid bills, always had food, etc. P has been slowly declining in health since(81 years old) but we did the best we could to keep her healthy. We cooked for her, took her to the doctors, took her to stores she wanted to go to, anything she wanted done we did it. For this, we were allowed to live in P's home rent/expense free for the most part.

Last month, she fell and injured herself severely. She was put in the hospital for a few weeks and then released to her home under Hospice Care. She was on Hospice Care for a little over 3 weeks, and last night she passed away peacefully in her sleep. P's daughter(C) came from another state to be with her mother during this time. R and I have been doing mostly everything to care for P in the times the hospice nurse is not around (only comes 3x a week). P was bed ridden and needed to be changed, fed, etc. She did not have her faculties. C has spent some time here and there with P but most of the time C is in her room or outside smoking a cigarette.

Well, C is the executor of the trust and has power of attorney I think. She has been threatening to get us kicked out of this home, which was owned by P, but R and K's name are on the lease with P. She threatened to have the electricity shut off. She got very angry when R decided to cancel a landline phone service that was in R's name, so that R and K won't have such a high bill to pay the following month. We are taking responsibility for what is ours and just tried to save ourselves some money. She began to yell and slam things around, throwing the phone and it's base out of her room into the hallway. She is throwing away some of P's belongings as she rummages through her room. I heard C say on the phone, "I'm gonna fucking kill that cunt." And C also called R a "fucking bitch" numerous times. She got in R's face and was yelling at her, threatening to bring up stuff that is in the past.

A few days ago, when P was still alive, C requested 6 months of bank statements, annuity information, all credit/debit cards in P's name, and some other additional information. We have not given that her information because we do not know her intentions with it. Did she have a right to this information at that time?

C is also threatening to turn us in and have us put in jail supposedly because we have abused P's finances. This is absolutely not the case. There have been expenses such as car repairs, furniture, a new furnace and air conditioner, a refrigerator, and P wanted everyone(P, R, and K) to go to therapy sessions for a little while so that we could all have better communication with each other. P also allowed us some spending money every month. She allowed us the use of her debit card to make purchases for her and the household as we saw fit. R and P have had their disagreements and fights throughout their life, but who doesn't argue with relatives from time to time? Our intentions have always been pure and P's well-being was always first.

I know it's kind of jumbled but I am very stressed out and worried about our future.

What kind of things can she do legally, what kind of things can we do legally?

I can provide more information if anything is unclear or more is needed.

Thanks in advance.

Submitted February 20, 2016 at 05:57AM by knowmyrights2256 legaladvice

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