Thursday, February 11, 2016

B&M wouldn't give me my RDA back! Listen to this shit! electronic_cigarette

So, I got a 28mm Stillare RDA on a 26650 tube as part of trade. I have no interest in mechs, so I put the RDA on my IPV4s. Since I don't have the stuff to build, I went to a local B&M, they told me $4 to build a coil and wick it. Ok, cool.

So, as I hand the guy the RDA and he walks off, a customer starts chatting me up. The guy comes back 10 mins later, tells me it'll be $15 because he "had" to build a .11ohm super-tiger-fused-McGillicutty-coil or some such shit. After I said I wanted like a .5ohm build. Ok, fine, sounds fancy, here's your money....

"Hold on a second... (after he took my money) "what are you running this on?" I told him, IPV4s. He asks, "what batteries?" I said, "2 brand new LG HG2's". "Well, that's gonna be a problem, those batteries won't be safe with this build, you need to buy these VapePower 40a batteries, otherwise you'll blow your face off." "They're buy 2 for $35 right now, that's $10 off"

"On a regulated mod?" I said, sarcastically. He stated LG might know how to makes TV's and refrigerators, but not "vape batteries". Huh, whoda thunkit....

I told him I will be just fine, give me my stuff please. He said they could be held liable because they let me walk out without "good" batteries. At this point I know any attempt at logic will fall on deaf, gauged ears. "Well, I don't have any more money, sorry". (Paid with a card, lol) He said that I could come pick up my RDA when I brought money for the batteries. At this point, I fucking lost it.

After a minute of me being exceptionally rude, everyone in the store is paying attention. I calmed down, told him he's an idiot, and gave him a final chance to give me my shit back, remove the fucking coils, give my my money back. "You paid for my skill and labor, I'll refund you the 50 cents that the wire and cotton cost" he said.

Now here's the kicker--- I got pissed enough, I wrote down my name, number, and address, handed it to him, told him to give the info to the police. When he asked why, I said "That's where I'll be so you can bring me my stuff AND pick up yours", as I swiped his DNA200 Reuleaux off the counter, and left.

THE REAL KICKER- Guess what batteries he had in the DNA200 I took? That's right, not HG2'S, but the red HE2's. Un-b-fuckin-lievable.

The situation was resolved last night, and he got quite the stern talking-to from the boys in blue. Whadda dick....

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 04:51PM by WorstAdviceROC electronic_cigarette

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