Saturday, February 6, 2016

Any advice on helping my wife with this low carb thing. keto

So to be blunt I simply don't know much about low carb foods. I'm trying. My wife found out she has high blood pressure about 2 weeks ago. She started low carb diet like the next day. She is already bored with it. She says she feels gross with the amount of grease she has been eating, from bacon and other foods. The refrigerator is filled with low carb food she bought just for her self. Today she is moping around, saying how hungry she is. She says she is tired and irritable. (Her words not mine.) She says she doesn't want anything we have. Is this part of that low carb flue thing? Any suggestions on what I should or should not do? Is it possible that this diet just isn't for her and she should try something else? Is this a dumb post?

Submitted February 07, 2016 at 01:14AM by CheckoTP keto

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