Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Am I doing this adult thing correctly? personalfinance

Been here casual poster, mostly lurking.

Just turned 22. 60k a year. Basic student loan debt being paid off like crazy.

Matching my companies 401k along with a Roth IRA through Vanguard. I opened a credit union recently to throw like $100 in every paycheck to "forget about it"

About $2000 emergency fund but I don't really know what it'd be for since I still live with my parents.

I am slowly buying and gathering everything I'll need to move out one day. I purchased a bed and entertainment center. Recieved a couch and love seat (don't know why because I am not in love so I can't sit there). Kept the refrigerator my parents used to have.

Am I missing something or I am actually doing a decent job at adulting? All feedback will be appreciated.

Ps. This sub has helped tremendously over the last year. Thank you everyone.

Submitted December 21, 2016 at 09:20PM by ItsNovak personalfinance

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