Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Slave Home Alone BDSMerotica

I woke up to my cage unlocked. This has never happened before. Usually Master unlocks it after he has finished his morning coffee and is ready for me to suck his penis. I tentatively crawl out of the door. I carefully look around every corner as I move towards the kitchen. My ankle cuffs clang as they hit the tile of the kitchen floor. Still no sign of Master. I spot a note on the kitchen table in the place that Master usually sits. It reads:

Good morning, Princess. I went to work early today because I trust you. Here are the keys to your ankle cuffs and cage. I will be home at 5:30 PM. Have the following things done by the time I get home.

  • Clean your cage
  • Wash my sheets
  • Have my dinner prepared
  • Blindfold and gag yourself then lock yourself in the stocks at 4:30

As long as these things are done by the time I get home, the rest of the day is yours to do what you wish with.

I stood there stunned. I’ve never been able to leave the cage while Master was away before. I started having fantasies of all the things I’m going to do before 4:30. I decide that I should do the chores before I start to have fun.

I look at the clock; It’s 9:00 AM. I immediately get started cleaning my cage, keeping the keys with me just in case it closes. The cage isn’t very dirty, so this task should be easy. I use a wet rag to wipe some cum from last night’s session off of the bars. I use a small vacuum to get any dirt, dust, or hair that I may have missed. I want to do a really good job for Master. When I finish, I look back at the clock: 9:45 AM. I still have plenty of time.

Master’s sheets come next. I’ve done this a hundred times before, but this time feels different. I slowly strip his bed, making sure not to knock over any of the things on his bedside table. I take the dirty sheets downstairs into the basement. The floor is cold on my bare feet and the air is cool on my nipples, which are still sore from last night. I start the washing machine and walk, with excitement, back upstairs.

I have to have Master’s dinner ready by 4:30, but he won’t be able to eat it until 5:30, so it shouldn’t be anything hot. I take a look in the cupboard and refrigerator, nothing stands out as something Master would like. I decide that I can worry about it later. Now, it’s me time. The first thing I want to do is take a long hot bath. No gags, no, chains, just me, the water, and probably a lot of bubbles.

My bath is amazing. It’s been a long time since Master has allowed me to enjoy getting clean. I sit in the water until it gets cold, about an hour later. I dry off and look at the time. It’s 11:30. I’m hungry. Master usually gives me kibble to eat, but since he’s not here, I’m going to eat some of his food. I take a granola bar from the cupboard and an apple from the refrigerator. They taste incredible, even better that I get to eat them on my own terms. For dessert, I open the box of candy bars that master sometimes gives me as a treat. There are no candy bars in the box. Only a locking buttplug and a note saying: “Did I give you permission to eat junk food? Put this in and lock it. Maybe if my dinner is good enough I’ll take it out before you go to sleep tonight.” I shamefully put it in. Starting to tear up, not because it hurts, but because Master trusted me and I have failed him. I begin working on Master’s dinner.

I find the materials to make a pork roast. That’s one of his favorite meals and it will still be good when cold. I assemble the entire meal. The buttplug makes walking uncomfortable. I hobble the roast over to the oven and turn it on. I set the timer and sit down at the kitchen table. The clock reads 12:15 PM now. The washing machine should be done with the sheets. I start walking downstairs to put the sheets in the dryer, but I can only make it two steps; the buttplug is just too painful to walk down stairs in. I tug at the lock and try to turn it, just for a little while so that I can finish the chores. I twist the plug as hard as I can. I hear a click and the buttplug starts to vibrate. “Aaahhh” I yell in frustration. I desperately try to turn the knob back, it won’t budge. I can’t stop the vibrating. It’s not very intense, so I try to keep on going down the stairs cringing at each step. Finally I get to the bottom and am able to put the sheets in the dryer. I reluctantly start my trek back up the stairs.

When I finally reach the top, I glance at the clock. It says 12:45 PM. The vibrating is really getting to me, I can feel myself starting to get horny. I try to ignore it, but after 15 minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore. I went to Master’s closet to pick out a dildo and to find the key to my chastity belt. I pick a large purple dildo from his collection. The key is in the drawer of his bedside table. I open it, but instead of finding the key. I see a set of locking nipple clamps and a note. It says: “You know you’re not allowed to masturbate without my permission. Put these on tight. If I get home and they are too loose, they will stay on all night.” I slowly reach for the clamps. As I pick them up I see that they are connected by a chain and that there is a heavy locked padlock in the center of the chain. I put them on, sad and still madly horny.

This day just keeps getting worse. I have a vibrating buttplug locked in my ass, weighted nipple clamps, and I can’t even pleasure myself. Plus, I still have to finish Master’s dinner and finish washing his sheets. The roast still needs to cook for a while, but the dryer should be almost done by now. I once again start walking down the basement steps. It’s worse this time because now every step tugs on my nipples. Halfway down, I thought my nipples were going to fall off. On the verge of tears, I make it to the bottom. I fold the sheets and walk them back up the stairs. Surprisingly, the trip back up isn’t as horrible as the trip down. I must be getting used to the pain. Slowly, but surely, I remake Master’s bed. When the bed is made and I am thoroughly exhausted, I once again look at the time. It’s 2:00 PM. I have an hour before I have to take the roast out of the oven. I decide to play it safe and take a quick nap in my cage. I quickly fall asleep.

I wake up to a loud clang. “Shit!” My cage door closed and locked. I look at the clock. It’s 3:05. I need to take the roast out of the oven! I look for a way out even though I know there isn’t one. I spot the keys that Master gave me this morning. They are near the cage on the floor. I reach for them, but they are just inches outside my reach. “Dammit!” I yell. I try rocking the cage, trying to get it to move even a little. I can’t; it’s too heavy. I ram the side of the cage with my shoulder as hard as I can. The weight on my nipple clamps pulled sharply. The cage moved! Only a little though. I’d have to ram it a few more times. I hit it again. I felt my nipples scream out in pain. Again, I rammed my now very sore shoulder into the bars. I try to reach the keys again. I stretch as far as I possibly could. I hook the keyring with my fingernail! I open the cage and run as fast as my buttplug and nipples would allow to the kitchen. I take the roast out of the oven. It doesn’t seem too overdone. I take a minute to catch my breath.

I slice the roast and make sides of carrots, peas, and dinner rolls. I serve the meal on a plate and put it in Master’s spot on the table. It’s 3:30 now. I’m tempted to just get in the stocks now so I can’t screw anything else up. The thought of being stuck in the stocks for two hours quickly dismisses that notion. I eat another granola bar and go sit next to the stocks. The blindfold and gag that Master wants me to use are hanging on the side of the stocks. The blindfold is made of leather and cups the bottom of the eye to make it impossible to see anything. The gag is a fairly large ring gag. Seeing the stocks, combined with my vibrating friend and my squeezed nipples, is making me want the clock to move faster so I can be locked in.

Finally, 4:20 rolls around and I get to start locking myself in. I start with my feet. One of the pieces of wood slides out to open the hole where I put my ankles. I put the piece back and use the latches to secure them in place, a bit farther than shoulder width apart. I put the gag in next, I can already tell that I will be drooling profusely by 5:30. Then the blindfold. The next part is the tricky part. The stocks have a self-locking mechanism so all I have to do is line up the pegs on the top half with the holes on the bottom half, which is easier said than done when blindfolded. I pick up the top half of the stocks and line up the middle hole with my neck. I feel around and find the bottom half’s locking holes. After a few tries, I manage to line them up. They haven’t locked yet because I’m holding it up with my neck. I squeeze my hands through the outer two holes and make sure that everything is right before I am stuck at a 90 degree angle until 5:30. With a breath of excitement, I drop the top half of the stocks and it clicks into place. I test my restraint by squirming and pulling on all my limbs. This is fruitless of course. I am trapped with no way to get out until Master gets home.

Very shortly after locking myself in, I hear a car pull into the driveway. Has Master come home early? I hear footsteps approaching the front steps. I start to get nervous because the footsteps are much harder than Master’s. A knock on the door echoes through the house. “Hello? I’ve got a package here that needs a signature.” It’s the delivery man. I hope that he doesn’t look in the window. He may be able to see me. “Hello?” He calls again. He waits a little longer and then I hear his footsteps walk away and his truck pull out of the driveway. I let out a sigh of relief.

After what feels like 6 hours, I hear another car pull into the driveway. This has to be Master. I hear the door open and footsteps into the kitchen. He starts eating the dinner I made. So far, not acknowledging me. I hear him walk to his bedroom. Then to my cage. Then finally, to me. “Vibrating buttplug and nipple clamps? Wow, you must’ve been a bad girl today.” He runs his hands across my back and tugs on my hair. “Should I take those off?” He asks me. I shake my head yes and make an affirmative sound through my gag. “Okay, I will.” He runs his hands across my breasts ending at the nipple, giving them both one last yank before using his key to unlock them. I yell through my gag as the pressure is relieved. He walks toward my butt and turns off the vibrating. He unlocks the buttplug and pulls it out. He walks back around to my face and I hear a zipper. “You can’t go completely unpunished, you were a bad girl today.” He shoves his penis in my mouth. Deeper and deeper until I started gagging. He removes his penis and I could hear him drop his pants completely. He walks back around to my butt and I feel him unlocking my charity belt. It falls to the ground with a clang. He hits my ass hard. I cry out. Again and again. He hits me 15 times on each cheek. I feel him put his penis in my anus. He thrusts and hits me again. Eventually he stops, walks around to my face and hits my face with his penis before sticking it in my mouth again. He stays far back in my mouth and throat this time, I start gagging with each thrust. He finishes deep in my throat. I cough up his cum to stop from choking on it. He says “You stupid bitch! You’re going to be cleaning that up. Not right now though. I think we might do round two tonight yet. You just stay right there while I take a nap.”

Submitted December 24, 2016 at 11:17PM by TheRopeIsForMyBoat BDSMerotica

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