Thursday, December 29, 2016

Top Ten Illuminati Agendas - Part 2 conspiracy

Part 1

4.) Destruction of sports

From the false accusations of athletes for ‘doping’ to the media worship of ‘sports’ which 99% of people have no way of particpating in, the elite are desperate to have people on our sofas watching instead of doing...

5.) Eliminate all political opposition

Smartphones, smart TV, smart refrigerators, all owned by stupid people (aka 99% of population), in accordance with Illuminati commandment ‘black is white’.

All modern day devices are designed to spy on us, a truth which the Illuminati now tell in plain sight.

In the media, conspiracy theorists (or anyone who dissents to their dictates) are branded as mentally ill or even ‘subversive’.

6.) Destruction of genuine economic competition

This was not advanced by traditional monopolies (although this is arguably harmful) but by the use of state enforcers to force the public into paying for economic services, examples:

  • Mandatory Health insurance

  • Arrests for ‘off grid living’

  • Economic crises used to eliminate competition (e.g. refusal of Federal Reserve to bail out Lehman Brothers, despite bailing out Goldman Sachs etc.)

Submitted December 30, 2016 at 02:21AM by factsnotfeelings conspiracy

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