Friday, December 30, 2016

Kegging without CO2 setup using priming sugar and Corny keg, amateur's pipe dream? Homebrewing

Hey folks,

I'm only a few beers in, but I have a brash idea for cheating the cost of kegging that I'm wondering if I could make work. Would it be possible to carbonate in keg using a cheap, refurbished $35 Corny and priming sugar just as I would with bottles? I was thinking I could use this in conjunction with a ball lock conversion for the pin keg to allow for a standard party pump handle to dispense the beer free of CO2 and for under $50. I realized the standard type of pump would oxidate the beer, making this a limited one time event. Perhaps this could be circumvented using a small Corny keg charger like this. Anything I'm missing as to why this would not be a good long term set up? I already have access to a suitable refrigerator.

Some other threads mentioned a Corny keg might leak the CO2 before reaching the pressure needed to carbonate the beer. Sanke kegs were discussed as a better option. Thoughts?

Thanks for the help!

Submitted December 31, 2016 at 12:00PM by landhag69 Homebrewing

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