Sunday, January 3, 2016

Musculoskeltal Pain, Or Something Else? AskDocs

Age: 31
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 210
Race: Caucasian
Duration of complaint: A month or two, intermittently
Location: Lower right abdomen, just above the tip of my hip bone in my abdomen. Right at the pants line basically, under my gut. The pain isn't even really a pain but a "sensation" I guess I could call it "pulling" but I mostly noticed it when sitting down. It's usually nonexistent in the morning and only starts to come up as the day progresses. I can feel no lumps, and it is not very sensitive to touch (there have only been a few times when I was poking/prodding my gut that I felt anything - even then, a mild sensitivity/inflammation type sensation).
Any existing relevant medical issues: Obese, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle (IT / Writer) recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic, last 2 doctor visits my blood pressure has been high. I often get small bouts of diarrhea depending on what I eat, attributed this to being now in my 30's and double cheeseburgers from McDonalds being a greasy nightmare for my innards. Prior to recent doctor visit, was eating LOTS of starchy foods and things bad for diabetics/pre-diabetics and hadn't been to the doc in a few years. History of lower back pain after working moving over the range microwaves, refrigerators, etc. while working retail and factory jobs. Mother has type 2 diabetes and colitis.
Current medications: Been taking a probiotic off and on, but have mostly stopped since my last doctor visit just to make sure my stools are okay without reliance on the probiotic.

A bit of history for the past few months:

  • Around 10/7/15 my kids brought home awful coughs and sickness from school, I stayed home from work for 3 days dealing with it on my own but never saw a doc, probably should have got some antibiotics but never did. Had some left from a previous visit so I took those, no it was not a full round of antibiotics and yes, I now know how stupid this was.

  • On 11/10/15 my wife and I were having rather vigorous sex and during so I slipped and accidentally went into the wrong hole, the pain was so great for my wife that she cried and passed out for a few moments. In the moment I panicked as I didn't know what was happening, there was a lot of adrenaline and I was trying to hold her up to walk her back to our bed when she passed out, I couldn't support her and brought her down to the ground slowly, I was screaming at the top of my lungs, having never seen someone pass out before I was mortified. I am unsure if this qualifies as "stubbing" my penis but there's potentially some trauma that occurred on my end, however at the time I did not notice it and I did not begin to notice this "tugging" sensation until after this incident. Not saying it was the cause, but figured it was worth mentioning.

Submitted January 04, 2016 at 07:24AM by ForTheSakeofDorbs AskDocs

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