Saturday, February 4, 2017

I HATE my boyfriend's parents Advice

So my boyfriend and I have been dating since the beginning of freshman year, and now we are both seniors in highschool. We were attracted to each other for many reasons, but an important thing was that we are both pretty mature for our age. However, I'm pretty poor. I'm 17 and have been self supporting since about 14-15. I do have a job, and I feed myself ECT. However, my house is recently located pretty far away from my boyfriend's, and his is close to the school, so we hang out at his place a lot. His parents have now come up with the philosophy that I eat all of their food, and I use all of my boyfriend's money. I'm sure it's because I'm poor, and so they judge me based on this, even though I am a fairly humble person and I wouldn't even go in someone's refrigerator that I knew very well, or ask my boyfriend to borrow anything unless completely necessary. They went from wanting us both to live with them, to saying this. They have always been an issue in our relationship. When I first met my boyfriend, he had extremely low self worth. They had been putting him down, telling him he would be nothing in life, ECT. Though they wouldn't punish him. Now they punish him by saying that he can't see me. It's his step father mostly, I honestly think he hates him. He says he loves him like his own son, who by the way is 17 and living on SSI, not working and a pot head but gets a standing ovation from his father when he wipes his own ass, and has no reason to be on SSI. But he gives my boyfriend a cigarette. If he passes the samesrer but fails a class, theres no you passed the samesrer, there's you failed this one class you are a failure. There's a put down every chance he gets, and his mom joins in and they look at me to support their stupidity and I say nothing at all. This is just stressing me out so much, because every time there's an issue in his household it's taken out on him invertently, and he is the cause of all of the problems, but he isn't. Then it effects our relationship. What should I do? ; TLDR Boyfriend's step dad has resentment twords him, punishes him by not letting him see me, blames all of their issues on him

Submitted February 04, 2017 at 07:40PM by Xglitzz Advice

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