Thursday, February 23, 2017

Critique my current extraction method treedibles

Don't have all the best materials on hand, but this worked fairly well with my first extraction.
1. Break weed up into small nugs wrapped in aluminum foil. 2. Preheat oven to 250°F, decarb for 30 minutes.
3. Grind weed. 4. After grinding, melt coconut oil into oven safe measuring cup with grinded bud.
5. Preheat oven to 200°, put in measuring cup, stirring every 20-30 minutes (thanks /u/OldHippie read this in one of your comments). 6. After oil is done, strain into mason jar. 7. Top off with water, place upside down in refrigerator to separate oil & water and the last little bit of plant material (DO NOT DO THIS IF USING LECITHIN)
8. Pour water off top.

I haven't tried adding lecithin to my edibles. Does it really add they much or is it placebo?

Also this batch of brownies were fairly thin, and I noticed each time I've tried them they take about 2 hours to kick in (friends experienced the same). Could this be because they're so thin, there's less fat to help the THC absorb? My only other edible experience was a brownie about twice as big and I began feeling it within 30 minutes.

Submitted February 23, 2017 at 01:03PM by JoeyBE98 treedibles

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