Monday, August 22, 2016

My [25m] vegetarian roommate [20f] REFUSES to let me cook bacon in OUR apartment relationships

This morning my roommate [20f] caught me cooking bacon in our microwave. I was using one of her plates to cook it. She has asked me not to use her frying pan to cook red meat before as she is a vegetarian (religious reasons) and I have respected it, even though the rest of our kitchen stuff is 100% shared and she is the only one who bought a non stick pan. She got really mad and told me that I should not be using her plates for meat. I think this is unfair because she has the nicer plates, I only have plastic plates (I can't put those in the microwave?)

In the past she has left the apartment whenever I am cooking bacon and I have heard her complain to her friends over the phone about how much she hates the smell of meat etc. etc. but she doesn't ever say anything to me. I think this is passive aggressive.

She has not directly told me I can't cook bacon but I feel she is setting lots of rules to force me to stop eating what I want to eat. If I leave meat uncovered in our refrigerator she will passive aggressively put it in a tupperware and label it and says she is concerned about meat juice/germs getting into the fridge.

edit: people telling me to move out, that's not an option. You can see from my earlier post more about my financial situation.

tl;dr: roommate making rules about meat consumption

Submitted August 22, 2016 at 11:02PM by iamsickofthem relationships

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