Monday, August 22, 2016

Annoying, dirty and weird. badroommates

So I currently live in a shared house with my best friend, a friend of his who I know quite well and then there is the friend of his we got stuck with.

This guy is the worst housemate to have. I have anxiety so anything out of the ordinary can be difficult for me time to time, however this guy no matter what keeps me on edge. From his shuffling around the house, to the weird noises he makes every time he opens a cupboard (Honestly he seems to act surprised every time he opens one, you would think something has jumped out at him.) or even just the random burping and swearing, he is not a good housemate.

Also in our house there is no smoking allowed, this apparently doesn't apply to him as he smokes in his room constantly, then he clearly hoovers (Vacuums) the ash as the hoover (vacuum) always smells of cigarettes after he has used it.

Finally he has a bad habit of leaving pots around and leaving food in our refrigerator until it goes off and WAY past its use by date. I have put up with him for a year almost now and held back but I had to vent somewhere.

TL;DR - Housemate who I don't really know, smokes in the house, leaves food until its gone off, constantly swears and burps.

Submitted August 22, 2016 at 08:22PM by Norwich92 badroommates

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