Sunday, August 21, 2016

Left in the Lurch (A zombie dream - Mild language & gross) Dreams

Slow day at work so I thought I'd share with you one of my favorite non-lucid dreams, hopefully sharing this will inspire powerful dreams in someone else. :)

I woke up on a single person cot in a small rectangular room. Cinder block brick walls, painted white, grubby with dirt and grime surrounded me, and a heavy reinforced steel door separated my room from the rest of the facilities. For a moment I panicked, but then I remembered I had locked that door. Memories started to flood my mind - zombies, fucking zombies-How did this happen? Zombies were only supposed to live on t.v. screens and in movies. I couldn't recall where my friends and family were..Zombies had attacked and the human population was dying off very quickly. I somehow found myself in this underground bunker-Was it under a hospital? I couldn't remember.

I couldn't quite smell anything, but I knew it smelled musty and moldy. The floors and ceilings were concrete and water was slowly dripping down from small cracks up above. I got up and carefully opened the door. I knew I had sealed up the larger part of this basement building before locking myself in this room to rest, but maybe a few of those creatures had gotten in somehow. I stepped out into a long hallway that was oddly lit. There were small frosted glass windows along the walls at certain points, I couldn't see out, but they let enough light in for me to get around. Rows of big metal doors lined both sides of this hallwaywn. There was a little alcove with an office desk and an old broken computer. I knew the metal doors all opened into small patient cells, and so far as I could tell the place was deserted. It looked like I was safe.

I examined the hallway alcove, there were filing cabinets and an overturned office chair, it's cushion was matted with black mold. I looked for any sign of electricity - there were no light switches or wall outlets, I knew the only chance of getting power was a gas generator, but I still wanted to double check. Deciding this office area was of no use to me, I moved towards the hallway- Oh shit. I stopped dead in my tracks. I could see into the cell across from the office through the door's reinforced window. Something was moving inside. I carefully approached the door to get a better view. Rotten skin, leathery and black, had drooped away from it's face. Greasy tendrils of hair hung down and old trousers that were crusted with some dried up, dark colored, fluid were still fastened around it's waist with a belt. It's movements were jerky and labored. Luckily it didn't seem to notice me through the window. This one probably died down here long ago and was forgotten I thought.

I went further down the hallway. Largely ignoring the other cell doors-If other people had been trapped and died down here, I didn't want to know. I did check supply closets and utility rooms, but eventually I found what I was really looking for - the kitchen. The floors were tiled and the spacious room had stainless steel tables where I imagined food was once prepared. There were big refrigerators and a freezer along one wall, I opened one of these, and despite the power being out the light still came on. There was nothing edible inside, but it wasn't full of rotten food either. There were cabinets, and a counter top, but no sink. In the farthest corner there was industrial looking metal shelving that served as a pantry-I had noticed this a similar kind of shelving rack in the supply closets. It looked sturdy and was painted black. There on the shelves were giant cans of sweet peppers and olives. There were other food items too, but these are the ones I remember.

Everything faded to black.

When I came to, a little more than a week had gone by. I was sleeping in the kitchen because it was the cleanest room I could find. For some reason I had been leaving empty cans on the pantry shelves along with the ones that still had food in them. My clothes were grungy now, they must have picked up grime from the facility as I explored it. I could hear zombies growl and moan from somewhere down below. I had been listening to them through the walls all week, but I was hoping that somehow the dead would just die. I had a rusted pipe or pole as a weapon. I entered a hallway and opened a utility door that led down deeper into building.

Here they come! Here they come! A small group of zombies moved up the stairs, I swatted at them with the pipe, knocking them back but they scrambled up off the floor and continued their approach. I realized I had made a mistake. I ran back up the stairs, I tried to lock the door shut behind me, but couldn't for some reason. I went to slide the pipe between the door handle and the wall, but the pipe was gone, I must have dropped it on my way up the stairs. Fuck I knew I could hold the door shut for a while, but eventually I would have to find another solution. I bolted down the hallway and around a corner. Here there was a big metal door here that separated two sections of the facility, the kitchen would be on my side, but the only way out would be on the other side. I passed through and locked it.

Everything faded to black.

Almost 30 days had passed. I was out of food and starving. I was covered in filth and my clothes were torn. I had cut myself off from the larger part of the building but I was safe from the zombies here. I had an improvised flamethrower made from an old oxygen tank, duct tape and a lighter. I had already searched all of the cell rooms I had access to, but found nothing useful. Most of the cells had shit covered floors.

My mental state was slipping, and I was desperate for sustenance. I took the largest dried up piece of shit I could find and turned my flamethrower to it. I cooked it black and charred it all the way through.. and stuck it in my mouth. The edges crumbled like burnt toast, but the majority of it was stuck in my teeth. I couldn't swallow this burnt up turd, but I couldn't get it out of my teeth either, the end of it hung out of my mouth like a fat, burnt, shit cigar.

There I was, covered in filth, starved crazy, my clothes torn and hanging from my oily body. My face blackened with soot from cooking the cigar turd that hung from my parched lips. It was my most desperate moment. I lugged the heavy makeshift flamethrower to the big door that separated the zombies from my wing. A crowd of them had gathered. I could hear them groan for my flesh as I got close. I pulled open the door, ready to fight.

And then I woke up.

Dream Notes: This dream was very vivid - but it was also very grey, almost colorless. It was the first vivid dream I've had that was lacking in color. I never outright felt fear in this dream, but there were long periods of subtle terror. This is the only dream (I remember) that illustrated the passing of time. This is also the only dream where my mental state/sanity was altered in a negative way, however I have had plenty of dreams where my mental state was taken into a positive place.


Submitted August 22, 2016 at 05:07AM by lovelytrout Dreams

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