Monday, January 4, 2016

Weird Refrigerator Power Problem electricians

Hey, I am posting here as I dont really have any idea what to do. We have had this old fridge in our garage running off of an extension cord for about 10+ years. There was a brand new fridge in our basement that had only been used once that we thought we could replace it with. When we bring it up and plug it in everything works fine for a couple of minutes. Then the interior lights no longer work and the computer that displays the temperature is also dark yet it continues to cool to the temperature that was set when initially plugged in. It is almost as if it is running at half power, for lack of a better description (yes I know this is impossible). It is pluged into one of those GFI outlets, and upon resetting it will again work for a couple of minutes. I was curious if you thought this could be an electrical issue with the plug/extension cord or a problem relating to the fridge. When used in the basement previously it worked just as it should, and I have tried extension cords rated up to 20A so I dont think that is the problem, do I maybe need a higher amperage outlet? I dont know much about electricity so any help will be much appreciated!

Submitted January 05, 2016 at 09:29AM by rss1080 electricians

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