Monday, January 4, 2016

CHUG & SPEW! ProRevenge

My wife works for a national chain of home improvement stores and brings her lunch with her to work daily including bottled water to drink while she eats. When she gets to work she stashes all the consumables in the refrigerator in the break room.

We live down south (USA) and last July was extremely hot. I'm talking over 100 degrees F.

For 3 days in a row my wife's water bottles were just disappearing between the time she got to work and meal time.

Obviously, someone (other then my wife [love you sweetheart]) thought they were too good to drink from the water fountain. I can only assume it was someone working the UN-air-conditioned garden center that was extremely thirsty and couldn't resist the cold water.

After the second day I recommended a revenge plan which my wife shot down due to it possibly putting her job in jeopardy.

After the third day she agreed.

I looked up a video on YouTube on how to open water bottles without breaking the seal. For those who are interested:

Anyway the plan was to refill the water bottles with vinegar. I filled 2 water bottles with vinegar and left 1 alone. I put a little mark on the WATER bottle so she would know which one was still good to drink.

She went to work and set the trap.

When she came back into the break room for lunch one of the vinegar bottles was gone from the refrigerator. On the other side of the room there was a liquid all over the floor- like someone had walked into the break room all hot and sweaty, saw the magical chilled beverages that always appeared and CHUGGED and SPEWED vinegar!!

While we never did find out who was stealing the water it hasn't happened since and just imagining what I just described above has been very satisfying for me. Hahahha!

Submitted January 05, 2016 at 08:44AM by RngrBlz ProRevenge

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