Saturday, January 2, 2016

[NJ] Inadequate electrical service in rental unit legaladvice

Hi All-

I just rented a apartment in North New Jersey (a studio plus an equal sized semi-finished basement), and shortly after moving in while setting things up I looked more closely into the electrical service in the unit. I have some type of sub-panel with 4 breakers on it. 2 are for the AC unit's 220 circuit, and the other two are a 120v 20A and a 15A. The problem is that this is all I have. Just the landlord provided refrigerator has a requirement in the manual for a dedicated 15A. If I add in a coffee maker, toaster oven, or computer, I'm at or exceeding what electrical codes say I should be plugging in with the lights, etc. in the apartment.

I work with computers, so besides being massively inconvenient when trying to plug in a vacuum cleaner or small appliances, it basically means I can't use my desktop computer safely. It's nothing ridiculous, but it has a 1100W (~500W sustained) power supply plus whatever the monitors pull so I usually try to find an outlet on its own circuit. It's never been a problem before and my previous apartment had 8 circuits. Besides a decent sized TV + home theater system would pull a similar amount, so I don't

I'm posting here since I'm not sure what kind of recourse I have besides asking nicely (or paying/splitting cost) to run more circuits. The landlord tenant act to the best of my knowledge only states that electrical service must be provided, not to what standard. I'm pretty certain they'd need about 6 circuits to minimally meet electrical code, but it's older construction that was recently renovated, so they are probably exempt. Anybody have any thoughts?

Submitted January 03, 2016 at 04:10AM by nj-r legaladvice

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