Thursday, December 31, 2015

/r/askscience report: Thursday, January 01, 2015 - Wednesday, December 30, 2015 subredditreports

Totals: lotsa days, 26,167 posts, 465,745 comments.
Included in this report: The top 3,000 posts, and 212,363 of the top comments, by 79,760 distinct authors.
There were 14 gilded posts, and 209 comments were gilded.

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

Score Author Post Title
6415 /u/pensivebadger This coconut oil melted during a heat wave and later re-solidified. Why did it form this honeycomb structure?
6208 /u/Chlorophilia Why is it normal for children in practically all cultures to call parents "Mother" or "Father" rather than their real names?
5657 /u/MockDeath A message to our users
5575 /u/VeryLittle This is not a 'cicada year,' but I hear one buzzing outside right now. Is there a small set of cicadas out of sync with the main population, or do a few mistakenly mature early every year? Or is this a different species entirely?
5525 /u/powerpuff_threesome I've heard that one of the purposes of the "fresh cut grass" smell is a type of distress signal that warns nearby plants to start moving nutrients to the roots before they get cut down. Is there any truth to this?
5476 /u/thelonelyward3 Windows 10 says pins are safer than passwords how can this be when passwords have more combinations?
5460 /u/AskScienceModerator New Horizons flies by Pluto in 33 Minutes! - NASA Live Stream
5408 /u/HalJohnsonandJoanneM My textbook says electricity is faster than light?
5398 /u/ontheverge73 What would happen to me, and everything around me, if a black hole the size of a coin instantly appeared?
5252 /u/ttothesecond If I wanted to randomly find someone in an amusement park, would my odds of finding them be greater if I stood still or roamed around?
5158 /u/phrresehelp Could a modern day human survive and thrive in Earth 65 million years ago?
5071 /u/AMA_or_GTFO My girlfriend insists on letting her restaurant leftovers cool to room temperature before she puts them in the refrigerator. She claims it preserves the flavor better and combats food born bacteria. Is there any truth to this?
4744 /u/Moore1994 If I flip a coin 1,000,000 times, what are the odds of it beings heads AND tails 500,000 times?
4681 /u/_brokecollegestudent How long would it take a modern computer with code breaking softwear to crack the German enigma code from WW2?
4644 /u/Actionmaths Why do wind turbines only have 3 blades?
4643 /u/GATOR7862 Do sound canceling headphones function as hearing protection in extremely loud environments, such as near jet engines? If not, does the ambient noise 'stack' with the sound cancellation wave and cause more ear damage?
4599 /u/jk_here4all Does sexual preference (Straight/LGBT) change on memory loss ?
4558 /u/ImTheConan IF sound could travel through space, how loud would The Sun be?
4548 /u/naegermeister How the heck do jellyfish work if they have no brain or no blood?
4532 /u/JoeFalchetto Why don't we take blood from dead people?
4487 /u/jackwreid Given time to decompress slowly, could a human survive in a Martian summer with just a oxygen mask?
4431 /u/p0yo77 If we were far enough from earth, could we see the dinosaurs alive?
4336 /u/Hoggzeh How much shallower would the Oceans be if they were all devoid of life?
4288 /u/SayNoToFatChicks How do we know that there is a "Pluto-size ball of solid iron that makes up Earth's inner core"?
4198 /u/Nogamename11 Can dopamine be artificially entered into someones brain to make them feel rewarded for something they dont like?
4184 /u/babuguuscooties We know we'll see a supernova in 2016 because we've already seen it happen due to gravitational lensing. How is this possible?
4177 /u/AskScienceModerator Kepler 452b: Earth's Bigger, Older Cousin Megathread—Ask your questions here!
4159 /u/diminutive_sebastian Why is it that, if you add any sequence of numbers like this (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1), the sum is always the square of the largest number?
4151 /u/A_Monsanto How common is it for animals to die during hibernation?
4147 /u/mayorofboxtown How can I explain to my boss that we did in fact have sufficient computing power in 1969 to perform the complicated maneuvers required to land on the moon?
4109 /u/johnm4jc Why is glass so loud?
4100 /u/crasyeyez Do creatures such as cuttlefish and octopuses get "tired" from using their camouflage?
4092 /u/7418520963 Light bends around massive objects. Could there be something so massive that light orbited around it?
4078 /u/sleepwalken If you farted hard enough in space, could you move yourself around?
4066 /u/nomad1c If you have an organ transplant, will your body gradually replace the DNA in it with your own, or will the cells continue to regenerate with the same external DNA?
4063 /u/rossatron688 Do human beings make noises/sounds that are either too low/high frequency for humans to hear?
4045 /u/InVultusSolis So far SETI has not discovered any radio signals from alien civilizations. However, is there a "maximum range" for radio signals before they become indistinguishable from background noise?
4041 /u/moistpandas I know of absolute zero at -273.15°C, but is there an absolute hot?
4033 /u/ToucanbT Could you stand on a gas planet or would you "fall" to the center?
4022 /u/malaria_protein AskScience AMA: We are scientists from the team that recently discovered a malaria protein with the ability to target many different types of cancer. Ask us anything!
3995 /u/squizzlestix How does the cell on the tip of my nose know to perform all the functions of a cell on the tip of my nose? How does it know that it isn't a cell on the side of my nose (or my liver, brain, etc.)
3955 /u/ArjaaAine Why hasn't evolution caused mammals to have many more females than males?
3933 /u/lysergic_25 Is it possible to have a planet at just the right size to have a solid surface, with a molten core which keeps the temperature at the surface suitable for life with no sun?
3917 /u/jdlc700 Would a person submerged in a tub of water, unable to drink, survive longer than a person out of water, also unable to drink?
3903 /u/graaahh If we viewed a star "going supernova" in real time, would it look like a violent explosion, or does it take a long time?
3892 /u/theresheblowshard Is there a bulge in earth's atmosphere constantly facing the moon?
3888 /u/Punishtube Why are Nuclear reactors never built in Water or below water?
3885 /u/RangeRedneck Why does putting salt water (saline) into our blood stream rehydrate us, but drinking salt water can harm us?
3879 /u/CyberPlatypus How does a computer know to turn itself back on when you tell it to restart?
3874 /u/wtricht If you drop your a phone or something else with a glass screen and the screen doesn't crack, does it have a higher chance of shattering the next time you drop it?
3866 /u/xxshteviexx When I'm on an airplane and I look straight ahead during takeoff or landing, I feel like I can see that the plane is pointed up or down. Can I really, or does my brain just extrapolate based on other information to create this illusion?
3862 /u/dongerduck If there was a body of water that was as deep as the Marianas Trench but perfectly clear and straight down, would you be able to see all the way to the bottom?
3859 /u/Ray_Nay If the sun disappeared from one moment to another, would Earth orbit the point where the sun used to be for another ~8 minutes?
3805 /u/KiwiMack How can I smell a piece of metal if it doesn't expulse any matter?
3785 /u/Slender_Spelunkers AskScience AMA Series: We’re Hannah Morris and Becca Peixotto, two of six “slender spelunkers” who excavated 1,500 individual hominin bone fragments deep in a South African cave over the course of 21 days, Ask Us Anything!
3784 /u/theskadudeguy Why isn't there an animal that could live for 1,000's of years?
3760 /u/Acode90 How far underwater could you breath using a hose or pipe (at 1 atmosphere) before the pressure becomes too much for your lungs to handle?
3741 /u/erroct If I had a 1 dollar coin, could I theoretically flatten it to the point where the coin would cover the entire Earth?
3741 /u/CreativeArbok Since DNA is an acid, is there such thing as DNA salts?
3738 /u/Snowodin Would drinking "heavy water" (Deuterium oxide) be harmful to humans? What would happen different compared to H20?
3697 /u/annonomouse2 If someone with schizophrenia was hallucinating that someone was sat on a chair in front of them, and then looked at the chair through a video camera, would the person still appear to be there?
3671 /u/quizzical The EU has banned many chemicals that are suspected of causing harm which are allowed in North America. Are there epidemiological studies finding differences in rates of disease related to this?
3669 /u/NeokratosRed Why is it that many cultures use the decimal system but a pattern in the names starts emerging from the number 20 instead of 10? (E.g. Twenty-one, Twenty-two, but Eleven, Twelve instead of Ten-one, Ten-two)?
3663 /u/Jakent10 Why does the Human body reject transplanted organs /tissue and proceed to destroy them but it doesn't kill parasites like worms ?
3640 /u/iamannagram Apparently bedwetting (past age 12) is one of the most common traits shared by serial killers. Is there is a psychological reason behind this?
3636 /u/pm-me-weird-stuff What would a cup full of viruses or bacteria look like?
3619 /u/coppersocks What will it mean for science if NASA announces it has found running water on Mars?
3615 /u/Schmitty422 I keep hearing about outbreaks of measles and whatnot due to people not vaccinating their children. Aren't the only ones at danger of catching a disease like measles the ones who do not get vaccinated?
3611 /u/ClassySirMike If everyone was required to stay at home for 2 months with zero contact with other people could we wipe out the cold/flu forever?
3597 /u/Dinomial Can you get hearing loss from exposure to loud noises outside our hearing range?
3592 /u/Pupikal If I were traveling at near the speed of light (enough to significantly slow time), would I be able to "think" normally? Would I be able to tell that time is slowing down?
3590 /u/Phaillip Do multiple wounds heal slower than just a single one?
3550 /u/--Danger-- What does an IQ of 70 entail, cognitively, emotionally, etc.?
3540 /u/Nowhere_Man_Forever Could life actually be supported by a constant thick mist and no rain?
3540 /u/howaboutwetryagain The pupils in our eyes shrink when faced with bright light to protect our vision. Why can't our ears do something similar when faced with loud sounds?
3539 /u/Saklor Why does Uranus look so smooth compared to other gas giants in our solar system?
3535 /u/MrDowntempo Would it be possible with modern technology to produce a sword that would handily deal with medieval swords and armor?
3525 /u/darthvalium At what rate, if any, does the earth produce fossil fuels?
3518 /u/_MostlyHarmless Do astronauts on extended missions ever develop illnesses/head colds while on the job?
3502 /u/koleslaw If a solid sheet of a metal were only an atom thick, would we be able to see through it?
3500 /u/meanwhile_in_SC If the Universe were shrunk to something akin to the size of Earth, what would the scale for stars, planets, etc. be?
3490 /u/anonradditor If we can't hear transmissions from somewhere like Kepler 452b, then what is the point of SETI?
3490 /u/Vinny_Lynch AskScience AMA: I'm Vinny Lynch, assistant prof. of human genetics at UChicago. I led one of two research groups that independently found why elephants don’t get cancer as frequently as we thought they should (Spoiler: 20 copies of the p53 tumor suppressor gene). AMA!
3489 /u/zaphod15 Are farts stored as compressed gas? What's the range of internal pressure?
3486 /u/purplepricklypear I work with identical 4 year old twins - one has severe autism, the other is normally developing. How does this fit into the whole nature/ nurture debate?
3485 /u/SlurpsMcgee If we could theoretically break the speed of light, would we create a 'light boom' just as we have sonic booms with sound?
3480 /u/AskScienceModerator Happy Pi Day! Come celebrate with us
3467 /u/janez_blond Is it theoretically possible for a nuclear reaction to happen randomly on earth (i.e. in nature)?
3461 /u/thesocialist1 Has there been a disease that was beneficial to humans?
3456 /u/MediocrePlayer Why is it that the moons gravity is able to direct masses of water in different directions but yet we, ourselves cannot physically feel the affect of the moon's gravity?
3455 /u/Chris_Wells_95 Does a rainbow extend into the invisible part of the spectrum?
3449 /u/EquationTAKEN How does exposure to radioactivity affect the human body? In biological terms, what's the deadly process?
3446 /u/Sheamau5 When we have to fight ourselves awake, what are we fighting exactly?
3440 /u/a_great_thinker Why can't I weigh the earth by putting a scale upside-down?
3427 /u/TheBananaKing Iron smelting requires extremely high temperatures for an extended period before you get any results; how was it discovered?
3426 /u/solarish Nuclear fusion reactors use supermagnets to suspend plasma and prevent it from damaging the containment structure. However, fusion also produces neutrons as part of the reaction, which have a net charge of 0. What steps have scientists taken to mitigate the damage from these high-energy neutrons?
3422 /u/GiftsAwait How do services like Google Now, Siri and Cortana, recognize the words a Person is saying?
3416 /u/Alphaetus_Prime If I pick up my coffee right after I stir it, so that it's still swirling around, will there be a gyroscopic effect making me less likely to spill it?
3414 /u/AlphaTyrant Does lightning strike the ocean? If so, does it electrocute nearby fish?
3409 /u/LostInTheAtlantic If you fingerprint a person as an infant, and again as an adult, will their fingerprints be the same?
3402 /u/Prufrock451 Is there any evidence that cetacean species communicate to each other (like grey whales calling and blue whales avoiding an area, etc)? Or are all of these species shouting past each other on different wavelengths?
3394 /u/redrainyskies Is the strength of muscles proportional to their diameter, cross-sectional area, or volume? Or is it not linear?
3373 /u/PrettyUnoriginal Why is the year 2100 not a leap year?
3371 /u/mcherm XKCD's "Fundamental Forces" isn't funny, it's sad. Can you do better?
3370 /u/FalconAF If photons have no mass, how can a laser beam bore a hole through something? Wouldn't the equation E=MC2 resolve to 0=0?
3366 /u/kevin4789 If you had a million mirrors placed in such a way that each would reflect off the next one, and you stand in front of one and move, would there be any lag between your movement and what appears on the final mirror?
3360 /u/romantep Came across this "fact" while browsing the net. I call bullshit. Can science confirm?
3356 /u/Schmackelnuts What is the air inside a bell pepper composed of?
3352 /u/sideplank If we can produce zero-calorie drinks easily, why don't we have zero-calorie food?
3344 /u/paul092834 Why does this ping-pong pong ball get sucked in, when I blow out through this toy tube?
3342 /u/epanchin Given their long lifespans, do turtles or bowhead whales get dementia?
3341 /u/leeboof The fastest spinning neutron star spins at 716 times a second. How much of the immense gravity would be counteracted by the centrifugal force? How many times earths gravity would an object on the surface experience?
3330 /u/mattyc1163 What causes this ring of fire from a Desert Eagle? Link in description (x-post r/woahdude)
3324 /u/heartk When an adult learns a new language, does their brain store the words in the same way as when they learn new words in their native language (i.e. expanding their vocabulary)?
3323 /u/epicluca If Voyager had a camera that could zoom right into Earth, what year would it be?
3306 /u/kevin4789 Why do dogs smell bad when wet?
3304 /u/ichegoya Do black holes ever die?
3297 /u/pudding_world It's my understanding that when we try to touch something, say a table, electrostatic repulsion keeps our hand-atoms from ever actually touching the table-atoms. What, if anything, would happen if the nuclei in our hand-atoms actually touched the nuclei in the table-atoms?
3281 /u/Dr_Prof_Doom As photosynthesis requires light, why aren't plants black to absorb the full spectrum of light, instead of green which doesn't?
3275 /u/Foofymonster Is there a way to harness gravity for energy? If so, why do we not discuss it when talking about green energy?
3272 /u/Gasdark So human beings have tested 2,153 nuclear bombs in the last 75 years - but I was under the impression that that many bombs set off at once would basically end the species - what has been the long term effects of all that testing on the world at large?
3266 /u/pm-me-with-your-tits The temperature in space is about 3K, however there are almost no atoms in space. My understanding is that heat is essentially atomic vibrations. If there are almost no atoms, how can there be residual heat?
3254 /u/DatDane Would it be possible for two people to grow together if they both were to cut off a hand/finger and then hold the wounds together?
3253 /u/EntropismAtWork What is the lowest temperature flame can be?
3251 /u/Grill_dont_fry Are all languages equally as 'effective'?
3248 /u/Veshter Is it possible to feel "high" without using drugs?
3245 /u/FerralWombat When my earphones are plugged into my laptop (and nothing is playing) I hear a hum. If I touch any metal surface on the laptop, the hum stops. What is causing both effects?
3230 /u/Mage98 How deep into the Earth could humans drill with modern technology?
3222 /u/rondeline If modern man came into existence 200k years ago, but modern day societies began about 10k years ago with the discoveries of agriculture and livestock, what the hell where they doing the other 190k years??
3222 /u/luckyhenry Does any animal have a life span so short that it never sleeps?
3218 /u/manbiteswolf Does the human eye have a quantifiable image resolution?
3217 /u/greatsawyer Why are deep sea fishs "uglier" and less symmetrical then their higher sea counterparts?
3217 /u/jpvl1 If I wrap a cold object in several blankets, will the object stay cold longer?
3210 /u/SailingB0aty Why is the speed of light, the speed it is?
3181 /u/Pinkie056 Does Adrenaline really reduce reaction time?
3165 /u/Dame_Juden_Dench Can depression and other mood disorders decrease mental ability? Can it make you dumber?
3162 /u/eplusl With advances in many fields of Medicine including the transplant of synthetic hearts and 3d printing of various body parts making cheap prosthetics possible, why haven't we seen significant advances in prosthetic cartilage for damaged joints and herniated disks?
3142 /u/EyeofEnder Are rings exclusive to gas planets? If yes, why?
3132 /u/jakdax99rb If light emits a significantly minute force, how much light would it take to crush a human?
3123 /u/roborovsky If I ate 10,000 calories in one go, would my body be able to digest it all? Or would some of those calories 'pass through' due to my digestive system being overwhelmed?
3093 /u/SpacetimeOdyssey When dinosaur bones were initially discovered how did they put together what is now the shape of different dinosaur species?
3090 /u/LoLlYdE Why do physics break down above the Planck Temperature?
3085 /u/Genchybaby How fast would you have to travel around the world to be constantly at the same time?
3085 /u/dantheman757 Why was Plutonium used instead of Uranium in the "Fat Man" atomic bomb?
3074 /u/moderately_extreme If a feather was in a decaying orbit around the Earth, would it burn up during re-entry?
3072 /u/Buttmolested If the gravity of the moon is strong enough to create tidal waves, why doesn't it lift up things like tree leaves or small animals?
3071 /u/Nachington Do chickens have a limited supply of eggs throughout their life, or can they produce eggs as long as they have a functioning reproductive systema?
3057 /u/idontcareforkarma What would happen if the moon was covered with a highly reflective material (such as tin foil)?
3042 /u/tika_b If a space ship were to have a cloth banner, a flag, on the outside, while in motion, would it "flap in the wind" or remain perfectly straight?
3034 /u/th4t5f1n3 If you roll a die twice under the exact same circumstances, and I mean every possible thing is the same, would it produce the same result?
3023 /u/Samppis Would people with dyslexia have problems reading Braille?
3019 /u/thefourthchipmunk In light of the new high-res photo of Andromeda, is there any chance that we will be revising our estimate of the total number of stars in the galaxy? (currently 1 trillion)
3015 /u/rickatnight11 Why is forest height on mountain ranges so uniform?
3009 /u/karch10k When a part of your body "falls asleep", can it cause any lasting damage?
3002 /u/imanatheistsowhat Would it be any dangerous at all to split even one atom?
2804 /u/Six_of_Diamonds Could we split a photon?

Submitted December 31, 2015 at 01:39PM by subredditreports subredditreports

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