Thursday, December 31, 2015

I believe someone is stealing my electricity, am I doing everything right? personalfinance

Hi PF so here's the skinny:

I live in a complex with about 30 other tenants or so; I got my electricity bill yesterday and it was ~3.5X higher than usual. My energy usage over the last 4 prior months was hovering close to 150kWh; I'm billed bimonthly so my total usage per cycle is 300kWh.

I just got my bill and my usage showed 1077kWh (538 kWh/month). At first I thought this was a bad read by LADWP, so I went out and looked at my meter, nope. It's good. In fact, since they took their last read (December 17) It's increased by another 300kWh. Now here's the rub:

I've been gone since the 23rd and have left everything powered down, save my refrigerator.

So over the course of about 5-6 days of me living in my apartment since the last read there's been close to two months worth of energy usage. Here's what I've done so far.

  • Contacted LADWP (they said it looks like it's being stolen but I'm liable for charges)

Here is my current plan:

  • Contact apartment manager and look at my meter again, this time with my circuit breakers off to see if it's still turning

  • (assuming it's still drawing power) Contact local police, and have my landlord bring out an electrician to see where the power draw is coming from

  • pursue small claims court to see about getting my money back

For some background: my apartment has 5 lights (60-120W) a gaming PC (700W power supply unit) a refrigerator, and AC unit that I haven't run in 7 weeks. I am pretty frugal with energy usage and leave lights off when not in use and only have my PC on when in use. Assuming everything is in working order I don't see how these things, even if left on 24/7 could be using anywhere near this much power.

I'm not asking for legal advice, but if anyone has dealt with this situation or similar before, are there any other avenues I should be following to make sure my bases are covered and I have adequate proof?


Submitted January 01, 2016 at 12:52AM by freeflyrooster personalfinance

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