Saturday, July 4, 2015

/r/nostupidquestions report: Friday, June 26, 2015 - Thursday, July 02, 2015 subredditreports

Totals: 7 days, 956 posts, 6,679 comments.
Included in this report: The top 400 posts, and 4,709 of the top comments, by 2,801 distinct authors.
There was 1 gilded post, and 4 comments were gilded.

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

Score Author Post Title
2848 /u/daniellayne Is Stephen pronounced the same as Stephen?
469 /u/TimothyGonzalez What purpose does VEVO serve? Why do artists let VEVO put their music on youtube?
460 /u/theWet_Bandits I ordered a refrigerator online, it was cancelled due to being out of stock. I was refunded my money, but then to my surprise they ended up delivering anyway. I didn't pay for it. Can I keep it or do I need to tell them?
428 /u/feladirr Is this type of conversation normal for Americans?
407 /u/Rockmar1 Hypothetically speaking, if a rich person offered to donate $1,000,000 to cancer research for every mass shooting that occurred in America, would they be breaking any laws?
354 /u/Prince-Cola Can the Pope still call a Crusade?
333 /u/noneofthefoxes What is the worst thing that could happen to Greece at this point?
296 /u/taksark How is it legal for states to ignore a Supreme Court ruling?
284 /u/MeinNeueFace Why haven't homosexual tendencies been eliminated by Darwinism?
189 /u/Paul20201 What happen with the girls from the "Two girls one cup" video?
146 /u/GimpyNip Why did my super market give me a flyer advising me not to shoot a gun in the air on the 40th of July? Do Americans normally shoot guns in the air to celebrate?
142 /u/ffrraanncciiss Why different brands for the "same" graphics card?
134 /u/J-Ster-X999 If a person named Fucking Shithead were to commit a crime, could news organizations go on TV and use their name?
129 /u/TimothyGonzalez When girls live or work together, their menstruation cycles tend to synchronise. How do their bodies sense eachother's menstruation cycles?
127 /u/IAmTheWii If I were to type a random string of letters and numbers after "", what are the chances of an actual YouTube video appearing?
109 /u/Spitalian How do I write a "hooked" a?
109 /u/MojarraMuncher Why are people calling the Gay Marriage ruling a victory for Obama when it was SCOTUS that made the decision?
106 /u/Goldfysh How well could a master of Microsoft's flight simulator pilot an actual plane?
104 /u/burndogg Is there any way to bypass Free Public WiFi login pages?
102 /u/ohaiyofman Why does urgency to relieve myself not always correlate to the amount of urine I pass?
100 /u/initial_david Do anyone know the name of the classical song that goes "duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh duh-duuuuuh...CYMBALS...duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh duh-duuuuuh"?
97 /u/MistaSnowman Realistically, what are Bernie Sanders' odds of becoming president?
95 /u/increasedbuttfun [NSFW]Does having anal sex or using large sex toys make my poop logs bigger?
93 /u/UggBug What will happen if I use vodka in place of water in my drip coffee maker?
91 /u/GreekGirlTheodora If the great wall was to be built today, how fast would a project like that take, if it has funding and a large amount of workers?
86 /u/SeeBread Why do so many Reddit pages time out/'break'/fail to load when it barely ever happens with other big sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube etc?
85 /u/thapopjackson If I wanted to listen to "Adult Swim Commercial" music, what genre would I search for?
78 /u/bugaosuni What do the people who sell 4th of July fireworks do the rest of the year?
78 /u/irishdude92 If I lay on the ground outside and pretend to be dead, would vultures swoop down?
77 /u/Rockmar1 Do keyboards in the U.K. have the '£' symbol on the keyboard?
76 /u/Krono5_8666V8 Do people in Asia use nicer chopsticks?
73 /u/ziasaur Why don't taxi drivers additionally become Uber drivers? (do both during the same shift)
72 /u/Darkred28 Why is that if I make, for example, a tapping noise it won't annoy me but it'll annoy the people around?
69 /u/blast186 Do identical twins have the same size dicks?
69 /u/AnEpiphanyTooLate When someone says the DOW is "down 30 points" what "points" are they referring to? How is the stock market measured?
69 /u/emilychang5307 Did Caitlyn Jenner's car insurance rates drop after she became a woman?
68 /u/ghort98765 If you sprayed antiperspirant everywhere on your body in a hot country, would you die?
68 /u/JacobTheKid Wouldn't increasing the minimum wage just increase the cost of goods/services?
68 /u/Shamwow22 How did people sleep before they had modern beds?
67 /u/JoeCool888 Why do the 90's, 80's, 70's, etc. all have a distinct cultural identity, but the 00's and 10's do not?

Submitted July 04, 2015 at 01:17PM by subredditreports subredditreports

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