Thursday, July 30, 2015

[US][LA County][California] On my mothers CalFresh case (was getting $180), now that she works part time it seems they are including her income as mine and only giving me $27 (I'm 18) personalfinance

My mother just got a part time job and before she got the job me, her, and my sister were getting around $500 in Food Stamps.

Now that she works we are only giving us about $300 (she only works 2-3 days a week), my sister is getting $173 and I'm only getting $27, my mom is getting $98, before I was getting around $180, I pay my mother $100 for rent with my side job (I make like $200 a month online) and it is really hard to get food with this and the little money I get, we buy separate food, I have my own refrigerator and prepare my own food, so I'm really independent and it seems there assuming me and my mother share her income, but I'm 18 already, and she doesn't give me any money from her income.

My mother and been trying to help me and talked to her case manager why I was only getting so little or if I could get off her case, but she's not really giving any solid answers and seems not to care.

Can I go to the welfare office own my own food stamps and get off her case? I looked online and I qualify for $180 (even with my side income), what I was getting before. And I have been 18 since this March, this is literally so fucking confusing and makes no sense to me s i'm 18 and don't see why I can get my own case, so hoping anyone can give me advice on what I can do.

Also my side income was reported for almost a year and I was still getting $180, so it's not related to that.

I really hate having to rely on the government, but I have applied to a lot of jobs the past year with false leads so this is my only resource, but I'm starting college in a few months and qualified for a grant and loan plus after attending a few months I can get a job on the campus, so I got that going for me.


Submitted July 30, 2015 at 03:26PM by I_AM_A_PIRATE_AMA personalfinance

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