Monday, October 3, 2016

The Long Halloween DarkTales

I couldn't breathe; not a chance to catch my breath. I had soon realized just how fucked up I was when I stopped laughing and caught my breath. I looked around and forgot where I was for a second. I gathered my thoughts and took what was a poor attempt of a focused look around. An apartment kitchen; knock-off limestone counter tops, stained stainless steel forks and spoons, knifes of all sorts forcely shoved inside the bowls and plates cupboard, overused dishwasher, rusted stove, mediocre refrigerator with a shitty ice maker, smelly mop in the gap between the fridge and wall, and dirty dishes in the sink. Everything was so out of place to the point where it annoyed me. I attempted to organize things but I gave up before I tried. You can blame the knives; well, that and I was too drunk to keep my mind straight for a second. Everyone was in costume pouring in and out of the kitchen, talking and laughing. All the costumes people were wearing were clichéd to the point of extreme dullness. A sexy nurse, a Michael Myers along with his bloody knife, a sexy devil, a couple dressed as well-known comic book superheroes, a prison escapee, a sexy honey bee - I mean, seriously, who the fuck dresses up as a bee? I, of course, dressed as a lumberjack, beard and all. My girlfriend wore a sexy cop costume so I was obliged to making any type of "arrest me, officer" jokes the whole night.

The harsh sweet aroma of marijuana exhale clouded my personal space. There was no point in getting away so I joined the circle and sucked the life out of that joint. I passed it to my right but my eyes were looking to the left. A sudden rush of tingles overwhelmed my lower extremities making me feel as if I was gliding. I stood up to lean against a wall but my mind had been so altered that I had no clear will power to make an effort of standing straight. I figured I needed to go outside for some fresh air. This stood as a challenge for me. Drunk and high; spaghetti legs with a mind rocky as a ship sailing during a storm. But the wall was there for support and I took a second to appreciate that wall as if it was my close friend holding me up. At the end of the hall I was met with two flights of stairs and the bottom seemed so far away. I, nonetheless, made the trip; careful and slowly, like walking in a temple in an Indiana Jones movie.

Once at the bottom, I searched for a worthy spot to rest and empty my insides of acidic waste that lurked within. It seemed as if my feet got heavier with each aching step I took. I felt it; the slow, thick burning liquid at the bottom of my throat. I ran in between the bushes and the parking lot next to a fenced-in generator. I hunched over and let everything out; spraying in all directions, my shoes were indulged in red chunky vomit. When the gunk stopped I felt a small hand pat me on the back. I was startled and I quickly wiped the rim of my mouth with my sleeve. I turned only to be staring down at the flushed, cute smiling face that belonged to my sexy cop girlfriend.

I stood straight as soon as I saw her; immediately and hesitantly double-wiping off any vomit residue I had around my mouth. I leaned in and looked down into her tense brown eyes. Her low breaths on my chest bounced off and simmered up into my nostrils. She was outside doing what I was doing. Her eyes weren't focused on mine how mine were on hers. So I cupped her face with both hands, paused; seemingly losing myself in her eyes. I steadied her head and gently pressed my lips against hers. We managed to trade vomit bits but we didn't stop. Instead, we smiled as we kissed and we both stopped to catch our breath. Again, I lost myself in her eyes, but this time on purpose. The feeling of going numb while staring into her eyes was something I grew to enjoy. It gave me a feeling of isolation within her world; somewhere I was privileged to be a part of. Within the madness of our intertwining worlds, I let out a low whisper of words that made her glow with bliss. A simple "I love you" always made her smile.

What came after threw me into an uncontrollable state of confusion. She didn't say it back; she didn't say anything at all. Instead, her eyes appeared different. Still. Her mouth was open but no words came out; nothing but a short choking breath. Once again I looked in her eyes hoping to indulge myself in her world but all I saw was terror and emptiness. Our surroundings grew quiet; not even crickets making a sound, nothing at all, nothing but the wind silently blowing. The bushes rattled and the trees whipped back and forth. House cats on balconies seemed to be on high alert. There were quick footsteps nearby that quickly faded into nothing. Somewhere near I could hear the music from the party; something I wasn't able to hear a while ago. Something was wrong. Then, I felt a heavy, long lingering splash of some type of liquid on my shoe. I looked down and saw red. Blood was running down from her throat and forming a red stream through her chest that it made her badge look like a red star. I stared at her and felt fear run through my body. She stood there almost frozen until she hesitated to move her hand towards her throat. She choked trying to say something I couldn't make out. Her eyes leered upon mine with shock and horror as she slowly fell towards me. Her forward motion covered me in blood and I tried catching her but failed to do so. I knew then there was nothing I could have done. Her body made a loud thump on the concrete; her blood was slowly becoming a small ocean beneath her, almost appearing as if she drowned in it. I froze. It seemed unreal; given the state I was in. Then it hit me like a spiked bat. A sudden rush of adrenaline propelled me into frenzy. I started running around hoping it would help ease the confusion. I ran from door to door, knocking and screaming for help.

I'm not sure how many doors I kicked and pounded but I figured it was enough to catch some attention. I ran back to the body thinking comfort would bring her back. I fell to my knees and flipped her body so I could see her face one more time. Even in death she managed to look as beautiful as ever. I caressed her face; pushing strands of her fallen hair behind her ear. I gently kissed her lips to see if she kissed back, but no. Maybe if I pinched her nipple she'd happily twitch like always, but no. I stared at her motionless body for what seemed an eternity.

I hear sirens.

Maybe I'm having a nightmare, I thought. I wiped the last tear from my cheek and stood up. I looked down one last time and smiled at her. It's Halloween, for fuck's sake. I know she's trying to prank me; her and her dumb friends. So I yell, loud and slurring, "Ha-HA! 'm not falling for this!" I looked around and saw a large group of people approach me. I hear gasps and sighs of devastation. "You think I'm stupid?! Wake up, babe." I gently kicked her rib cage with my boots. "Babe." I kicked her again, slightly harder, but this time on her leg. I laughed; in a manner between hysterical and maniacal. I spin around and look at the moon. It wasn't full; it was barely crescent. I stared at the moon while I spun physically and mentally while struggling to keep my balance. I stop and turn around only to be stared at by confused eyes. I start to cry again.

A sudden movement of feet and clicks made me turn around the other way. Blinded by lights; I squint and try to see what it is. I was met by a group of police officers shouting commands at me. I can't hear them. I see their mouths move but nothing comes out. I hear my heartbeat and I see the stars and the moon. I lose myself in the memories I shared with her. Then, a loud voice on a megaphone yells, "Sir. Can you hear me?" I nod, obviously annoyed, by the distraction. He says, "Okay buddy. I'm going to need you to listen to me." I nod. "I need you to put the knife down." I look at him with a confusing expression. Then I feel it. A long, sticky handle pistol-gripped on my right hand. I flick my wrist up and see how it glimmers like a burning star under the street light. I wave it in the air, in awe, feeling it as a part of my limb. Then, I hear a bang and a sharp burning pain in my stomach makes me twitch. I look down to see blood slowly oozing out only to notice the lifeless eyes of my beloved looking at me from the background. I quickly shift focus to her eyes. She looks so peaceful and I think to myself how much I want that sort of peace in my life. Without hesitation, I swiftly put the knife to my throat and slash from one end to the other. I gurgle and fall next to her. I hear fading footsteps approach me and I look at the moon while I take my last breath.

Submitted October 03, 2016 at 11:45PM by VictorVonDoom47 DarkTales

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