Saturday, October 1, 2016

My [19/m] food keeps on being eaten by one of my three [19/m] roommates. relationships

I'm on a meal plan, so most of my food in the apartment are just snacks. I keep on noticing my food and drinks randomly disappearing. It's nothing huge, like a few cookies, some milk, or some pop. It's not really a big deal if they asked me for it. The worst part is they make no effort at hiding it. I'm not too obsessive about it, but I'm not dumb. I've had one of my packages of Oreos ripped open, when I nicely peel them back and cookies were obviously missing. One time someone drank my Gatorade and put the empty bottle back in the refrigerator. I've also had times where unopened food was opened and consumed, but most of the time it is little things. I have talked to all three roommates separately and none of them will admit to taking any food. I'm not really sure where to go from here

TL;DR: My food keeps on disappearing and none of my roommates will admit to it.

Submitted October 02, 2016 at 07:46AM by StarchySeal relationships

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