Saturday, October 1, 2016

looking for advice on a hot sauce I just made spicy

Method: roughly chopped yellow cayenne peppers, some white onion, garlic, and ginger. Put in saucepan, added vinegar, little salt, pinch of sugar, brought to near-boil, cut back, simmered 10 minutes. Let cool, put in blender and pureed, poured into quart Mason jar and put in refrigerator for a month, giving it a shake-up every few days.

Today, sieved the mixture and bottled 1 3/4 cups of a beautiful, fiercely spicy, golden yellow sauce. Some hot sauces get you with the after-burner, but this one just has a huge POW! of flavor at the start, with no long burn. Yes, I am cultivating way more golden cayenne plants for next year!

On to questions:

  • I'm thinking the sauce could be cut by half and still be delicious -- should that be done with straight vinegar, or do other fillers matter?
  • can I re-use the leftover pulp to make another batch? This late in the season, I'm not going to get many more peppers off the plant.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted October 02, 2016 at 03:05AM by __tmk__ spicy

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