Monday, October 3, 2016

Indoor cat frequently flattening left ear, no other symptoms AskVet

Species: Cat

Age: 9

Sex/Neuter status: neutered male

Breed: domestic shorthair

Body weight: 10 lbs, maybe 12.

History: I've had him for 4 years. He's had urinary tract problems and bouts of diarrhea (both solved, for years). No other problems.

Clinical signs:

  • He is flattening his left ear (edit: back towards his head like in "I'm angry" position), not constantly, but often enough to be noticeable to us.
  • He will flatten it if his ear comes into contact or anticipated contact with something (hands reaching towards his head, the refrigerator as he walks past it).
  • Is occasionally holding his ear in that flattened position when I look over at him.
  • Not showing any other signs of discomfort. He's been active and engaged, seems happy.
  • Is not scratching it, not rubbing it, not shaking his head.
  • We cannot see anything in/on/around the ear. (Edit: But I DO need to do a better/longer look when I have another pair of hands. It is hard to look in his ear because he flattens it when I try)
  • Nothing is happening with our other cat's ears.
  • The 2 cats occasionally squabble, so I'm wondering if it's perhaps just sore from a fight

Duration: This is Day 3

Your general location: Western Canada

This seems kind of minor as I type it out. At first, it was kind of cute to look over and see him with lopsided ears. But on Day 2 and now 3 it is worrying me. At what point should I take him to the vet? Thank you in advance. I'm so happy this resource exists.

Submitted October 04, 2016 at 05:50AM by cat_ears_ AskVet

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