Monday, October 3, 2016

Good riddance offmychest

I work for a fairly common fast food restaurant. I had submitted applications for over 20 stores and food places, but you were the only one to give me and interview. I knew why, the place was infamous for treating their employees like shit. No one lasted there more than a few months. It was the only offer i got, so I accepted it, figuring that it wouldn't be THAT bad.

It became very clear within the first few weeks why it has the reputation it has. The management treats the employees like shit--well, a few managers in particular, the rest were very nice.

My assignment was milkshakes. Our store was one of the busiest franchises in the country. So it was a very tightly run ship. You were assigned a station, and you stuck to it until the end of the shift or a manager moved you somewhere else.

The milkshake shift was an awful one. you work 4pm-9pm. you have to get there early. So its to early to eat dinner before hand and you get home too late to eat dinner afterward. It was one of the most stressful shifts. our milkshakes are very popular and almost everyone orders one when they come in.

Bathroom breaks are extremely discouraged. Even going to the refrigerator to get ice cream to refill the machine is a risk. By the time you finish refilling the machine, there is a backup of 10 milkshake orders. So going to the bathroom is out of the question.

Getting behind will evoke the wrath of the head manager, who will scream at you for getting behind. Everything you do is either wrong or not fast enough. She will berate you in front of customers and other employees.

They break labor laws, it is the law in my state that minors have to be given a break if they work a 5 hour shift or more. They refuse to give them to us. The only ones that get breaks are the managers and the line cooks that work full-time.

They refuse to honor days that we request off. The system we have for scheduling is fucked. There is no predicting when they'll schedule you for work. Most places have a system where you will work set days, like working mondays and fridays 8am-1pm or something like that. But at our place you have to request off certain days of the following 2 weeks and they may or may not give them to you depending on the managers' moods. you don't find out until the following Saturday when you have to call in and bother an employee to get your schedule.

I submitted my 2 weeks notice 2 weeks ago on Wednesday. I have told them on many occasions that I CANNOT work on Mondays. I have my piano lessons that i pay for on Mondays. I am going to go to college for piano and i need every lesson I can get to prepare for auditions. I guess they thought it would be funny to make my last day of work on the one day of the week i told them i can't work instead of the other 2 days i could have worked before my last day available. Now I have to call my teacher and hope that he'll be willing to reschedule it or else the lesson will be cancelled and the money i payed for it will go to waste.

I would have called out today but its my last day on the job and calling out your last day will probably make you look bad. The only reason I put up with their bullshit for 4 months was that I could get a reference for a better job.

Submitted October 03, 2016 at 09:30PM by Chiefsuperdrew offmychest

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