Saturday, August 20, 2016

Trying to find an episode/specific clip from (I think) the 27th season TheSimpsons

Hey everyone. I saw an episode a few months ago, I think it was from the 27th season but I could be completely wrong about that.

Anyway, the specific part I was looking for was a scene (near the beginning of the episode if I remember correctly) in which Homer and Flanders are arguing around Flanders' garage refrigerator. At one point Flanders says "Okalie Dokahama" and Homer tells him something about shutting up/talking normally. Flanders replies by indicating that that is where the refrigerator was made and it pans to the label showing this to be true.

Sorry for the vague description, but if anyone could give me the name of the episode or even better give me a link to a clip of the specific scene described above that would be outstanding. Thanks!

Submitted August 21, 2016 at 08:31AM by Thedisabler TheSimpsons

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