Friday, August 19, 2016

Breeders' Massive Carbon Footprint: Impose a CARBON TAX On Breeders, Eliminate Parent Tax Subsidies childfree

NPR has a must-read article and podcast entitled, "Should We Be Having Kids In The Age Of Climate Change?"

The ominous thesis is, most of the "green" things people are doing, and even the Paris climate accords, will do nothing to curtail rising global temperature and carbon emissions.

What will make a material difference? Peope birthing less humans. One fantastic idea from a researcher:

For the sticks part of the plan, Rieder proposes that richer nations do away with tax breaks for having children and actually penalize new parents. He says the penalty should be progressive, based on income, and could increase with each additional child.

Think of it like a carbon tax, on kids. He knows that sounds crazy.

"But children, in a kind of cold way of looking at it, are an externality," he says. "We as parents, we as family members, we get the good. And the world, the community, pays the cost."

Totally agree. Parental tax subsidies must end; these perverse incentives are both killing the planet and imposing costs on the most environmentally conscious, the childfree. You breeders birth it, yet the rest of the planet pays for it. And Earth can no longer afford the breeders' bills.

Most interesting was the math contained in a "Carbon Emissions" sidebar. I reproduce it here, and the numbers are stunning and frightening -- and confirm why reducing population and penalizing human breeding is the only way to save the planet:

Carbon Emissions, A Comparison

Below are a few examples of how much carbon dioxide (in metric tons) is saved over a lifetime (80 years) by a typical American for certain actions, including not having one child.

  • Increase car's fuel economy from 20 to 30 mpg: 148
  • Reduce miles driven from 231 to 155 per week: 147
  • Replace single-glazed windows with energy-efficient windows: 121
  • Replace ten 75-watt incandescent bulbs with 25-watt energy-efficient lights: 36
  • Replace old refrigerator with energy-efficient model: 19
  • Recycle newspapers, magazines, glass, plastic, aluminum and steel cans: 17
  • Reduce number of children by one (with emissions fixed at 2005 per-capita values): 9,441

Submitted August 20, 2016 at 01:56AM by FUMoney childfree

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