Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How long will snus last in the freezer or refrigerator? Snus

I am from the US and I want to order 10-20 different cans to try out and to save on shipping. The thing is, I only go through maybe a can a week or so. The general cans they sell in town usually have expiration dates about 2 months after I buy it at best. I usually buy two and stick one in the refrigerator until I am ready for it.

How long can I store cans in the freezer and expect to have a fresh can down the road? Any different for the refrigerator? I generally notice a big difference between a freshly opened can and an opened one that's been sitting in my pocket or the refrigerator for a long time.

PS. I tried asking this question earlier but the phone auto-corrected snus to anus again so I deleted it and waited to post this when I got home. Sorry about that. I added it to my phone's dictionary this time.

Submitted January 06, 2016 at 05:20AM by Forence http://ift.tt/1TD8Az0 Snus

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