Monday, January 4, 2016

[Help] my dog has been eating stuff off the counter! dogs

My dog has been known to try to get to food on the counter (she's eaten pizza and butter recently) so we've been being extra cautious about putting stuff away ASAP and not leaving anything harmful or really bad for her out on the counter anymore.

But this morning, I was making my boyfriend a ham sandwich for lunch and the dog was just hanging out with me like she usually does. I turned to the refrigerator for a second and when I turned back she had eaten the ham right off the sandwich. She had food in her dish at the time of the incident too.

I've read some things online about tips to help prevent this but I wanted to ask here too what has been the most successful for you? She already knows the drop it command and "wait" before eating food/treats. But I can't use those when she does it when I have my back turned.

Submitted January 04, 2016 at 10:51PM by trustmeIamabiologist dogs

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