Saturday, January 2, 2016

Basic food prep for a newbie? loseit

Hopefully this isn't a question that's been asked a ton here already, let me know if there's a better place to ask!

Basically, I'm a college student, and in-between semesters we have a period in which we complete a project/etc. I'm coming back to campus tomorrow to start work in a lab. During this time, our normal meal plans don't count and they actually make you purchase meals to eat in the dining halls. In order to save a couple hundred bucks, and eat a lot healthier, my goal is to cook/prep most of my own food. I have a car and access to grocery stores/etc.

I'm looking for things that I could take with me to the lab (I can refrigerate in my department's lounge/etc), and eat for lunch. Breakfast I have covered, so I'm really looking for easy things to make for lunch/dinner. I live in a dorm but have access to a full kitchen and have my own small refrigerator.

The problem is that I think I have very little cooking experience. I'm a terrible cook. Outside of making a great salad, or following a basic recipe, I'm pretty much useless. I'm also going to be really busy, so that's why I was thinking taking some time to food prep several meals at a time would work well for me.

I have some friends who are great cooks who are cooking a lot of their own food, so I'll have some help, but I was wondering if anyone could offer some suggestions or recipes for a newbie that would be fairly easy/convenient to throw together?

Submitted January 02, 2016 at 11:48PM by fromheretoutopia loseit

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