Monday, November 9, 2015

/r/shittyreactiongifs report: Sunday, November 01, 2015 - Saturday, November 07, 2015 subredditreports

Totals: 7 days, 290 posts, 927 comments.
Included in this report: The top 290 posts, and 930 of the top comments, by 914 distinct authors.
No comments or posts were gilded :(

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

Score Author Post Title
4462 /u/DontFuckWithMyMoney MRW after months of research, me and my highly diverse team of mathematicians and scientists announce why we do not believe that 13 times 155 is 1,297
4285 /u/MrSquigles MRW my son refuses to protect his hair from the harsh chemicals but I'll be damned if I'm going to let him go bald like I did.
4121 /u/duclos015 MRW I'm done being groped by my boyfriend and need to pray the gay away, but God decides to smite me anyway
3987 /u/Knerteren MRW i am a sad sprinkler
3900 /u/Teddie1056 MRW me and my friends want to kill some Jewish mermaids, but our backs are super itchy.
3638 /u/Lobo2ffs MRW I score big at skee-ball and get overly excited and tell my date to wait on eating pizza because I am going to purchase a prize for her
3013 /u/PetraB MRW mom tells me to get out of the basement & find a job
1683 /u/amkamz MRW i misunderstood what she meant when she said she wanted to stroke my furry owl
634 /u/HURT_BALLS MFW I fly over a country for old men
485 /u/brosasorous MRW I take a rip off the gravity bong
422 /u/Scruffmygruff Mrw I am competing in a Texas lassoing competition and employ an unorthodox maneuver, only to fail. Trying to sneak away to avoid public shame, I then remember that I am a near-sighted silverback gorilla and need to defend my territory
401 /u/funnyorifice MRW When I come home and my girl is crying in the shower telling me that she was finishing a bag of doritos when the police called and told her that her parents had been killed by a drunk driver, and I try to do the right thing and console her, but I haven't had dinner yet, and I'm really hungry.
349 /u/LeChuck999 MRW I leave my similar looking dogs named 'Impossible' and 'True' with the vet for the night, and when I come to pick up True, the vet brings me the wrong dog.
266 /u/pineapple3000 MRW when Earth's gravity suddenly increases from 9.8 m/s to 20 m/s
221 /u/mrbenji1025 MRW I've been cursed with immortality for a thousand years and the only way to free me is an amazing handjob.
216 /u/DrakeBakes MRW I need to pee, but forgot which book opens the secret passage to the nearest bathroom and it's too late
199 /u/Mrploom MRW I'm glued to a glass of water and need to cross the street
183 /u/blobbachobba MRW I'm smelling a giant barbie's pussy and it smells awful. NSFW
173 /u/Dr_AbrahamVaginatits MRW I'm in a KISS cover band and lost my black and white make-up, then shrink to microscopic size on stage but still want to nail the guitar solo.
170 /u/lucasvb MRW it's my birthday and my friends are taking me to the surprise party, and I'm also a huge stone statue with no arms and legs
130 /u/OwlCountry MRW I'm 14 and my parents leave me at home alone to go to the shops
130 /u/JDefined MRW I desperately want to stage dive, despite the fact that my band only has four fans, one of which having just left the band's fan club
122 /u/oceanjunkie MRW I'm really hungry and open my new futuristic refrigerator but there's nothing to eat.
119 /u/Handy_tool_lover MRW Apple releases a new product which is just a giant rotating brushed aluminium bar
114 /u/ForgottenLore MRW my fetish is directing jungle movies dressed in a gorilla costume and an actor doesn't know where he should be on the set
88 /u/BammaLamb MRW I have multiple personality disorder and the personalities include a ballerina, an Old Western Gunman, a bowler, a crab, a fist pumping flamingo, and a cyclone
82 /u/ForgottenLore MRW I already have 4 children and get pregnant with quintuplets
79 /u/Funslinger MRW I'm the boss as a textile plant and one of our machines is broken and I'm explaining to the repairman what he needs to do
78 /u/Las_Pollas_Hermanas MRW I suffer from Parkinson's disease and my wife calls me halfway through a face-painting session to ask if she can open my browser history.
77 /u/we_are_diamond_dogs MRW I'm a human clock and my friends ask what the time is and it's 6:12
73 /u/glublublub MRW I'm a follower in an RPG and the player directs me to a spot but I get clipped into the wall
64 /u/towns MRW I forget to take my youth potion but remember I left it on the floor of the plane
61 /u/MUWN MRW my cannibal friend and I set our sights on fixing US politics, but underestimate the numbers involved.
58 /u/Impal0r MRW i forget it's inverse leg day and I manage to lift my legs up right before the inverse leg patrol arrives
57 /u/TXRiverRat MRW Optimus tells me to roll out
56 /u/Teppy2 MRW my friend has forgotten how the Na+/K+ pump works and asks me to explain it to him using interpretive dance
56 /u/Foxprowl MRW Indiana Jones tells me not to look at the Ark of the Covenant but I do anyway

Submitted November 09, 2015 at 01:42PM by subredditreports subredditreports

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