Sunday, November 29, 2015

Stock left out overnight AskCulinary

Background: Yesterday, I made stock out of the turkey bones. I used most for soup, then I braised some pork in what was left, then used it again for simmering wing nubbins to give it a bit more depth. There is a little salt in it, but not a lot. Anyhow, it never made it to the refrigerator until this morning, about 8 hours after it cooled. It had gelatinized from all the collagen, and it had a fat cap on top of it.

Question: Even though it was in the TDZ for more than 4 hours, will the fat and collagen content help prevent bacteria growth? Since I'm only going to use it in soup or sauce where it will return to a boil, can I keep it? I'd hate to toss such a rich stock if I don't have to.

Thank you for advice.

Submitted November 29, 2015 at 11:14PM by breamcurry AskCulinary

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