Friday, June 5, 2015

I need help I can't stop seeing nosleep

I've never had to write anything like this, and nosleep seems like the best place, so I guess I'll just start.

Im on vacation visiting family in southern England (I'm from Texas), close to Padstow which is in the Cornwall area. There's lots of costal towns and some really cool historic sites.

One such site, is the remnants of King Arthurs castle in Tintagel. There's not a ton of actual castle to see since alot worn away with time, but there's several caves below the castle in the bay.

I had been here once when I was 8 but was disappointed since the tide was in, meaning access to the caves was roped off. I'm 23 now and arrived much earlier, eager to fulfill my younger sense of adventure. I tried to visit the first cave which supposedly was where Merlin was said to have lived and performed experiments.

I made my way down to the cave and found that there were a lot of people who had the same idea as me. There was a line of about 60 people going out of the cave. This wasn't what I wanted, I needed to explore it.

Then I saw the other cave, far on the other side of the bay with absolutely no one by it. I didn't know, at the time, that this cave was off limits. Getting to this one required a bit more work, climbing and balancing on algae covered rocks as the waves crashed against them below.

Maybe it was the lack of people, but this cave had an entirely different vibe, it was awkwardly quiet around its opening even though the ocean was crashing against the rocky shoreline less than 50 feet away.

This cave was much larger and went much further back. Both cave walls were at an angle and close together. This made it to where some areas required you to lean on one wall and inch your way in because the opposing wall was so close.

I came to one area that was filled with water. It was too deep for me to wade through and i didn't have a change of clothes, so I had to climb a wall, up to a ledge that allowed me to pass. At this point I'm so far in that I have to use my phone for light.

Turning around on the ledge revealed a dozens of small openings where the cave branched off into other directions. It caught me off guard because I didn't expect to actually find anything of interest. Of all the openings, only one was big enough for me to crawl through. I had my graffiti pen with me and figured crawling in and leaving a simple design, where no one would ever see, would be a cool thing to do. So I got on my hands and knees and began crawling in.

After what seemed to be 10 feet, the tunnel slowly began to slope downward and I started thinking about going back. The air was heavy and humid and I didn't have enough room to turn around. Trying to crawl backwards uphill on your stomach is not an easy thing to do on piles of rocks.

I kept heading forward hoping to get to an area where I could at least sit up enough to turn around. Eventually the slope gave way to a small flat room about the size of a refrigerator. Although I wanted to get the hell out, I still wanted to leave my small symbol. So I broke out the pen and began to draw.

The moment my pen left the rock, my arm went completely numb. It felt as if an electric shock went from the wall up to my head. I dropped the pen and my phone light shut off. I fell on my ass and started to get very dizzy. My head was spinning, and I couldn't think straight. As I scrambled to find my phone, the sea air faded and it began to smell like an electrical fire. My phone was not responding, but my eyes were beginning adjust although they hadn't before.

I spent an unknown amount of time catching my breath because I wasn't ready to jump back in the small tunnel. I could feel my arm again and I was no longer dizzy. The electrical smell lingered though, so strong that I still couldn't smell the ocean. The longer I sat there the more my eyes adjusted further, to the point where I could see my drawing on the cave wall. But now something was off.

A perfect triangle had been smeared around the outside of the image leaving only a little of my design in the center. I was pretty sure that I never touched it and there was no paint on my hand.

Cold seawater splashed against my feet as I realized how long I had been in the cave. The tide was coming in and I needed to get out. I didn't care anymore and got on my stomach and began frantically crawling. The water was splashing against my face as I went while the rocks dug into my sides.

I was so frantic when getting out of the tunnel that I almost fell off the ledge. I didn't realize that the cave went even further back and It was there that the tide was rushing in. Making my way back, I could see the mouth of the cave and the sunlight was brighter than before. This was where I realized something was very wrong.

I closed my eyes and nothing happened.

My eyes were closed but I could still see the sunlight. I opened and closed them again, but I could still see.

I could feel my eyelids closed over my eyes, but I still saw my fingers running over them. I kept opening and closing my eyes, but everytime I could still see no matter where I looked. It was as if my eyelids became invisible.

I started to panic and raised my arm to cover my eyes. For a moment I felt relief, then after a few seconds the back of my head felt like it was going to burst. After I lowered my arm it took a minute for the throbbing pain to subside. I looked around and then tried burying my face in my shirt, but the pain came back when I obstructed my vision.

I got out of the cave and made my way back up the side of the bay. I went the rest of the day unable to "close" my eyes. Everything was much brighter, like when you turn the brightness up on a monitor. The only thing I can smell is the electrical fire, which makes no sense to me but then again none of it does.

I got back to the house I'm staying at around 6Pm. I took a short video getting through the cave to the tunnel but I don't think I'll post it unless someone asks for it. It's very dark and I don't like the sound of my voice on camera.

It's been a full day now and I still can't "close" my eyes. I didn't sleep last night.

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted June 05, 2015 at 10:56PM by LittleDizzle_ nosleep

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