Saturday, June 20, 2015

TIFU by bringing my lunch to work tifu

So, this story actually happened a few years ago but I think it's one my ultimate screw ups and I have to share it. A little back story, when I graduated college I lived at home for a couple years just to get on my feet financially. I started working right away upon graduating.

Because of my financial situation (loans and credit card debt), I decided to bring my lunch to work everyday. Usually I would get up, make whatever I was having that day, go take a shower, then leave for work. This particular day was no different. I made my lunch, put it in the same plastic grocery bag I usually do, took my shower, and was off to work.

I didn't really notice anything off about this particular day until I arrived at work around 8 am. I set my lunch down on my desk (it didn't contain anything the needed to go in the refrigerator) and immediately started smelling something weird. I wrote it off thinking it was coming from the old building we working in and continued my day. Multiple people came over to my desk throughout the day, ALL of them complaining of the smell saying it was strongest from my cubicle. I honestly didn't think anything of it, pretty much ignoring it until it came time to eat my lunch.

So here's where it gets good. Apparently, my mom decided to scoop the cat's litter this very particular day. She also decided to put it in the very same plastic bag I had my lunch in. She also decided to put it in the very same spot I always set my lunch in, right by the garage door (why she didn't throw that shit away immediately is something I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND). So guess which bag I took to work that day? You guessed it. I take my lunch break, stick my hand in the plastic bag, and grab a handful of cat poop. The smell of litter mixed with cat feces is the very smell I noticed all morning. Two of my coworkers saw my mistake. They NEVER let me live it down until I left that company. I still get the occasional text from them asking how my lunch is....

Submitted June 21, 2015 at 04:56AM by Juicer41 tifu

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