Friday, June 19, 2015

TIFU by cat-calling an orange tifu

Today I fucked up by going shopping. Myself and a friend were trying to make some drinks for a party later that evening, but in the middle of our prep we realised that we didn't have enough fruits. Now, being the dedicated hosts that we were trying to be, we decided to go down to the shop to pick up the fruits that we needed for our drinks.

Now this is where I fuck up, as we were walking into the refrigerator aisle where all the fruits and drinks were, I spotted some really nice oranges that we needed and went like "OOH!" to my friend - however, unbeknownst to my conscious self at the time was the lady who was in our vicinity, clearly also attracted to the allure of these fruits . As the words exited my mouth, the world almost fell into slow motion as I saw the lady turn around and stare at me in shock and disgust. Her look burned into the back of my head, as I quickly realised that she must be thinking I meant that for her. I was just excited that we now had the oranges we needed. To avoid fucking up further, I quickly shifted away without making eye-contact, all while I was crying "I'm sorry that's not what I meant!!!!!" in my head.

Innocent bystander, if you by some miracle happen to be reading this, please accept my sincere apology for possibly ruining your day with my excitement at the sight of oranges :(.

tl;dr - fucked up by getting excited looking at oranges in the shop, lady nearby thought I was looking at hers.

Submitted June 20, 2015 at 04:03AM by deeptalktime tifu

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