Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Flash[Contest]Hurry!! Find me random things!! Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Ok, get ready, you only have til I get home tonight to do what I ask!

First a quick background, if you're old enough to remember the original Let's Make a Deal you can skip this part:) At the end of every show the audience who didn't get to participate in the actual show would be asked to show the host any number of random things they might have on them or in their purse..if they had what he asked for they got a little cash. Everyone knew this was part of the show so most would come armed with a pocket/pocket bag full of crazy random things. Now it's your turn:

Find me these 10 random things:

  • A whistle

  • A Sharpie marker, any kind,any color

  • A 1/4 cup measuring cup

  • A dead bug, any will do and while I don't condone violence, kill one if you must lol

  • A piece of jewelry, any kind

  • A pair of scissors

  • A bandaid

  • A quarter

  • A candle

  • A refrigerator magnet

Now that seems simple enough doesn't it? Now take all these things and group them into a single picture. I don't care if you line then up, stack them or arrange them to look like something. Although originality might come into play depending how I feel about it when I get home :-) The only rule is that I must be able to identify all the items as being in the pic.

You must use the raffle phrase "Do I really have all this crap in my possession?" Contest ends when I get home sometime tonight.
The prize will be something of my choosing from your wishlist($10-$15).

Good luck..now go find me random things!!!!

Submitted June 02, 2015 at 06:07PM by liquidsilence http://ift.tt/1M0pCCW Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

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