Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Can I keep my wines in my extra Fridge? Advice

My friend travels in Europe mostly Italy and France. He likes to send me wines, way too much I can drink. I read some articles about how to keep wines but all this is really new to me. I have a refrigerator in my garage which i don't use often since it is too big to fit in the house. This is the fridge. I don't want to age the wines I just want them to stay good for about a year or two. Or at least till I can buy a decent Wine Fridge. So will this work as a place to keep my wines or should I just invest in a good wine fridge? If so which ones are good, I don't want to ruin 300$+ bottles of wine. =/ Also Can I keep Sake in a wine fridge as well or is that fine in a normal refrigerator?

Submitted June 04, 2015 at 12:04PM by LadyStreet Advice

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