Saturday, June 6, 2015

Advice: New house, issues with GFI plug in Kitchen electricians

We just bought a house and we've been living in it for about a month now. We have found our refrigerator off 3 times in the span of that month. The first time it happened I realized the GFI plug next to the fridge was tripped and needed to be reset. I thought this was being caused somehow by the significant amount of storms we've had in Texas lately, but this morning the GFI was tripped again and there was no sort of storms last night at all. I figure it has to be one of three things, a bad GFI plug, some faulty wiring, or something wrong with the fridge. Any advice on how I should troubleshoot this issue myself would be great. If I have to call an electrician due to faulty wiring or something I will, but if its just the GFI plug I don't mind changing that myself and if its the fridge I have a warranty on it.

TL;DR How do I troubleshoot a GFI plug to determine if its the plug, wiring or appliance plugged in causing the issue?

Submitted June 06, 2015 at 06:45PM by Balzmcgurkin electricians

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