Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Feeling very unhappy with every aspect of my life, but feel like I can't change anything [LONG] Advice

Let me give some quick background into my life of the last 6 months.

Last June, I finished high school, and my family and I all moved to a smaller city 2 hours away from where I've lived my whole life. We've all talked about moving here for years - we have some family here, the university I'm now attending is here, everything's cheaper than the big city we were in before, etc.

My brother did not want to move - he's two years younger than me and very fragile. He's also midway through high school and had to leave all his friends. My mother is a very high-strung, immature, scary individual. She's narcissistic and oblivious to the cruel ways she treats everyone, and denies the verbal and emotional abuse she's put my brother and I through for years, no matter how much I tell her she should see a therapist. My dad doesn't live with us - my parents have been divorced for 8 years now, though my father also lives in this new small city because his girlfriend lives here.

Anyway. We moved here 6 months ago, at the end of July, and have been living with my uncle ever since. My mom doesn't want to buy a house yet because she thinks house prices will go down 'in the new year' (so, hopefully soon). My uncle has always lived alone and is a strange, antisocial man. He hardly associates with anyone and prefers to sit inside for days watching tv by himself. Despite us now having crashed at his place for half a year, my mom mocks him, complains about everything he does and screams at him for not living a 'normal life'. For some reason, he doesn't say anything to stop her.

I don't want to complain too much about the living situation, because I'm very grateful that my uncle has let us live here so long already. That said, his house is very old and dirty, and I (18, F) have to share a bed with my 50 year old mother. My brother has to sleep in a spare room with his bed beside a refrigerator. Everything in this house is at least 60 years old. It's not ideal.

Because of the fragility of my brother, the abusiveness and carelessness of my mother, the lack of social aspect with my uncle, distance of my father, and total lack of friends since we've just moved to a new place, I've been feeling pretty damn lonely and stressed all the time. To make matters worse, my mother and uncle are very religious - to the point of being homophobic and mildly racist. I am an LGBT individual so this makes me especially uncomfortable.

I haven't had a job in months, and haven't had a relationship in over a year and a half. I know that my marks are going to be bad as a result of my stress and I fear my parents' reactions when they see them, but I cannot bring myself to focus on my schoolwork. January also marks the 2 year anniversary of me trying to kill myself, which has worsened my depression further. What can I do to lessen my stress and change my situation?

Submitted January 11, 2018 at 03:02AM by shaiapitou Advice

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