Sunday, January 28, 2018

My (39F) FWB (45M) completely blew me off this weekend. relationships

I dated him for a few months last year but broke it off when it became clear he wasn’t over his ex. I was initially really hurt and disappointed but we ended up becoming good friends. He’s over his ex now but I don’t want a relationship with him.

We’ve talked about our dating lives, mostly how disappointing online dating sites have been for both of us, and eventually talked about becoming FWB. We were really compatible physically and we both missed it. It’s been awhile since I’ve been intimate, more recent for him so I said we’d both have to be tested and show each other the results before I’d sleep with him again. He agreed and we both got tested, no problems there.

We talked about how we’d be open and honest with each other if we developed feelings, and I asked that he not be active on dating sites so long as we were sleeping together and I wouldn’t be either. I’m fine with sleeping together but it just seemed tacky to be actively trying to meet other people while we were. He agreed to that too and said he’d actually hidden his profile anyway so it wasn’t an issue.

Last weekend we planned our big night for this Saturday. We planned what we were going to cook for dinner together, he’d bring the wine, etc. Great.

So this past week I’m really looking forward to our night. I spend $100 on new bras and underwear. I have a mani/pedi. I clean my whole house. I buy the ingredients for our dinner. I have new sheets on my bed. We tell each other several times we’re looking forward to our evening.

I don’t hear from him Friday, no big deal. We generally talk every day but we both have busy jobs so it’s not remarkable. But Saturday comes and I still haven’t heard from him by the afternoon. I text him and ask if 7 still works for him.

He doesn’t respond. He still hasn’t responded. I have heard nothing from him. He didn’t come over obviously; I sat here like a jackass in my freshly cleaned house with a refrigerator full of our special dinner ingredients wondering had he been killed in a car crash or what.

But per his social media he’s alive and well. I’m just so confused. Why would he go to the trouble of planning this evening, going and getting tested, talking about how communication would be so open as we began this, only to completely flake like this?

TL;DR: can anyone think of a reason he’d disappear like this? What happened??

Submitted January 29, 2018 at 07:30AM by PossibleManhater relationships

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