Friday, January 26, 2018

Approach to consistently exceeding budget category? personalfinance

Do you constantly keep trying to re-adjust your spending or do you eventually readjust your expectations of spending for that category?

Example: Our food budget has been $600 for the last several years (through college for both/law school for me and the three years since). This budget line includes all groceries, lunches at work, and all eating out on nights/weekends/social gatherings.

We typically are always spending more like $700 -750 a month combined on these things. I’ve tried cutting down our grocery list, doing more planning before grocery shopping, and bringing more lunches to work. But we still struggle to stay in budget. Some of this is honestly probably due to lack of true effort, because sometimes lunch away from work is just nice as a mental reset, and sometimes just because we don’t want the frozen meal in the refrigerator that day. Some of this is tough because I don’t feel like we buy a ton of frivolous or unnecessary things at the store, or much that truly goes to waste when we do buy it.

Submitted January 26, 2018 at 07:44PM by MPTPWZ1026 personalfinance

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